Corpus Domini   44412
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1 Carè Alto, 3461
2 Il Palone (Bondone), 2090
3 Monte Folletto, 3334
4 Corno di Cavento, 3406
5 Crozzon di Lares, 3354
6 Castello dei Camosci, 2538
7 Punta Venerocolo, 3323
8 Monte Mandrone, 3294
9 Le Tose del Stioi, 2535
10 Corno di Senaso, 2853
11 Cima Valon, 2965
12 CIma Pratofiorito, 2888
13 Monte Gabbiolo, 3458
14 Cima d'Agola, 2988
15 Presanella, 3556
16 Cima d'Ambiez, 3102
17 Cima Tosa, 3173
18 Crozzon di Brenta, 3135
19 Brenta Alta, 2962
20 Campanile Alto, 2937
21 Sfúlmini
22 Torre di Brenta, 3014
23 CIma degli Armi, 2949
24 Cima Brenta, 3150
25 Bocca di Tuckett, 2649
26 Cima Sella, 2919
27 Campanile di Vallesinella, 2940
28 Cima Falkner, 2988
29 Campanile dei Camosci, 2914
30 Cima Grostè, 2898
31 (Punta San Matteo, 3678)
32 Punta Giumella, 3594
33 Colle degli Orsi, 3304
34 Punta Cadini, 3524
35 Paganella, 2124
36 Pietra Grande, 3937
37 Vioz, 3645
38 CIma Flavona, 2918
39 Corno di Denno, 2873
40 Cevedale I, 3769
41 Cevedale II, 3757
42 Cevedale III, 3700
43 Ortles, 3905
44 Sasso Rosso, 2645


Aufnahmestandort: Pizzo di Levico (1800 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Vizentiner Alpen      Datum: 26-06-2011
Yesterday afternoon I was playing the organ at the mass of the Corpus Domini in Luserna, a little village curious because almost all of the 300 inhabitants bear the same surname (Nicolussi) and especially because they speak the "cimbro" language, which similarly to the "mocheno" on the other side of Valsugana is an ancient remain of German language.
After finishing my work as an organ player I ventured with my bicycle to the nearby Vezzena pass, and from there by foot on Cima Vezzena (1908 m), which in Valsugana is often called Pizzo di Levico. I argue that here "pizzo" is not properly the Italian word that so often we find in the Dolomites; it might instead be the corruption of the German "Spitz" because on the summit there is the WW1 Austrian fort "Spitz Verle", not to be confused with the 400 m lower fort "Busa Verle" that one finds along the path.
Coming down I sat patiently on a bump on the ridge (the next one was occupied by a likewise patient chamois) to wait for the sun to go down behind Cima Brenta.
From six horizontal shots with Nikon 70-300 on a D7000.


28.06.2011 04:31 , Thomas Janeck
A very special moment captured by a very special person telling a very, very special story.
Thanks for sharing it !
29.06.2011 01:35 , Christoph Seger
special and very lovely.
29.06.2011 17:51 , Uta Philipp
A huge and strong panorama taken on a beautiful day. Congratulations and Greetings Udo
02.07.2011 17:20 , Udo Schmidt

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Pedrotti Alberto

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