Bocchetta di Mombarone 360°   73434
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1 M.Mars 2600m
2 P.ta Tre Vescovi 2347m
3 C.di Mombarone 2344m
4 Monviso 3841m (122km)
5 M.Roux 2318m


Aufnahmestandort: Bocchetta di Mombarone (2007 m)      Fotografiert von: Marco Nipoti
Gebiet: Walliser Alpen      Datum: 07.12.2011
Taking advantage of the probabily last Patron Saint holiday (for Milano Sant'Ambrogio, that was born in Trier, actual Germany)...
Goal was the Colma di Mombarone, a panoramic summit between Piemonte and Aosta Valley.
Unluckily I forgot crampons at home: Epic Fail!
I had the bad surprise that last 300m ascent were facing North.
The only 5cm of snow were so packed and iced that it would have been too unsafe to go on.
Anyway the landscape and surroundings were worth the trip.
Maybe next time :-)


Safety first... a good slogan for mountain-climbers
getting very old and making a lot of wonderful panos (;-)
marvellous scenery with a perfect sunstar!
greetings to Italy from near Switzerland
12.12.2011 15:06 , Fredy Haubenschmid
Sehr gelungene Bildgestaltung! Schön!
LG Michael
12.12.2011 17:44 , Michael Bodenstedt
12.12.2011 18:41 , Valentino Bedognetti
It was very sensible to take no risks and keep away from the icy slope. The panoramic is very beautiful anyway and could not have been nicer from the sumit. Cheers Bruno.
13.12.2011 16:36 , Bruno Schlenker
Und traumhafte Stimmung. Gereift, Professionell!
Gruss Walter
13.12.2011 17:10 , Walter Schmidt
Great panorama in well-known Nipoti-quality!

Tanti saluti,
13.12.2011 21:59 , Dirk Becker
LG, Toni
17.12.2011 11:16 , Anton Theurezbacher

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Marco Nipoti

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