Cold front   33061
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1 Allalinhorn 4020m
2 Alphubel 4206m
3 Stellihorn 3436m
4 Mottarone 1491m
5 Ulrichshorn 3925m
6 Augstkammenhorn 3419m
7 M.Massone 2161m
8 Sonnighorn 3437m
9 Mittelruck 3363m
10 Portjengrat 3653m
11 Weissmies 4071m
12 Lagginhorn 4010m
13 Schijenhorn 2980m
14 Fletschhorn 3993m
15 Rauthorn 3268m
16 Cima Saler 2020m
17 Limido Comasco 276m
18 P.zo Proman 2098m
19 Chellihorn 2923m
20 Chesselhorn 2981m
21 Huebschhorn 3192m
22 Breithorn 3436m
23 Testa di Menta 2204m
24 M.Leone 3553m
25 Cima Pedum 2111m
26 M.Togano 2299m
27 C.della Laurasca 2195m
28 P.zo Marona 2051m
29 P.ta di Mezzo 1225m
30 Campo dei Fiori
31 P.ta Paradiso 1226m
32 M.Tre Croci 1124m
33 P.zo La Scheggia 2466m
34 Finsteraarhorn 4274m


Aufnahmestandort: Fenegrò (269 m)      Fotografiert von: Marco Nipoti
Gebiet: Tessiner und Misoxer Alpen      Datum: 26.12.2010
After the Christmas heavy meals, I was trying to burn some "Panettone" with some running.
In a chilly and wet morning I saw a spell while looking West.
Came back home and without changing clothes in order not to waste time, drove my car to my usual vantage point to shoot the Alps.
Sent an SMS to Stefano, that's about 10km far, who answered "What spell? Here's snowing!"
So people in passing cars saw just one weird man in shorts with a zoom lens taking pictures on the roadside...
I was lucky to catch the very moment the cold front passed over the Alps from North to South, to give us nice clean days for Christmas holidays.


Absolutely fantastic atmosphere... 
...and very amusing story, Marco!
greetings and merry Christmas
22.12.2011 15:27 , Fredy Haubenschmid
Gradioser Blick aufs Wesentliche ;-)

LG Hans
22.12.2011 15:58 , Johann Ilmberger
Great atmosphere and a big smile for your story !!
Herzlichst Christoph
22.12.2011 17:47 , Christoph Seger

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Marco Nipoti

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