Massif du Mont Blanc   96222
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1 Aiguille du Chardonnet, 3824 m
2 Les Drus, 3754 m
3 Aiguille Verte, 4122 m
4 Aiguille du Plan, 3673 m
5 Les Droites, 4000 m
6 Les Courtes, 3856 m
7 Mont Dolent, 3823 m
8 Pointe Isabelle, 3761 m
9 Aiguille de Talefre, 3726 m
10 Aiguille de l'Eboulement, 3599 m
11 Aiguille du Tacul, 3444 m
12 Aiguille de Leschaux, 3759 m
13 Petites Jorasses, 3650 m
14 Pointes des Hirondelles, 3524 m
15 Pointe Cupelin, 3549 m
16 Grandes Jorasses, 4208 m
17 Pointe Marguerite, 4065 m
18 Dome de Rochefort, 4015 m
19 Mont Mallet, 3989 m
20 Aiguille de Rochefort, 4001 m
21 Dent du Geant, 4013 m
22 Aiguilles Marbrées, 3535 m
23 Le Grand Flambeau, 3559 m
24 Aiguille de Toule, 3534 m
25 Aiguille d'Entreves, 3600 m
26 La Tour Ronde, 3792 m
27 Le Petit Capucin, 3693 m
28 Le Grand Capucin, 3838 m
29 Aiguillettes du Tacul, 3913 m
30 Mont Blanc du Tacul, 4248 m
31 Mont Maudit, 4465 m
32 Mont Blanc, 4810 m
33 Arête des Cosmiques, 3842m
34 Les Bosses, 4547 m
35 Dôme du Goûter, 4304 m
36 Aiguille de Bionnassay, 4052 m
37 Aiguille du Goûter, 3863 m


Aufnahmestandort: View from Aiguille du Midi (3843 m)      Fotografiert von: Hervé Jullian
Gebiet: Montblanc-Gruppe      Datum: Oct 2011
Vue de la terrasse supérieure du téléphérique de l\'Aiguille du Midi (3842m / 12 602ft)
Du Nord-Est (arête Midi-Plan) au Sud-ouest (arête des Cosmiques)

Version HD avec Table d\\\'orientation:


Très bien fait! 
Une région sauvage, très bien présenté
23.03.2012 14:10 , Werner Maurer
23.03.2012 16:48 , Uta Philipp
Merci/Danke Werner & Philipp...

camera: Lumix GF1
lens: 20mm
stiching: ptgui / 7 pictures
fov: 200°
23.03.2012 16:55 , Hervé Jullian
Dear Julian
I like this view and have been taking pictures from this spot, too. I do believe, that you have problems with the horizont; especially to the south-east.

Here is the link to the U.Deuschle HOmepage, where you can check this yourselve:

Here a link to the "test view" I just prodced at this homepage:

Another issue: I would crop the picture to remove the sun disk. It is not that beautiful.

kind regards Christoph

Post scriptum: Your portfolio / your homepage is awesome.
25.03.2012 11:50 , Christoph Seger
Thank You for your comment Christoph, you are right. I will remake and correct the pano when i will have more time.
But is it possible, when everything will be corrected to upload the new one instead of this one?
26.03.2012 13:11 , Hervé Jullian
Hello Hervé. You can make a new upload, that overwrites this one. But if you change the dimensions (and you probably will, to remove the sun), you need to delete all the labels, reload, and put the labels back on. Best regards Jan.
26.03.2012 20:12 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Christoph & Jan, it's done. I've uploaded the new panorama with the corrected horizon and the sun disappeared. Thank's again for your help & your advice.
28.03.2012 00:32 , Hervé Jullian
It is a terrific panorama; I am glad, that you invested the additional work!
kind regards Christoph
28.03.2012 07:23 , Christoph Seger
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Hervé Jullian

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