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1 Chris Sharma
2 Dean Potter
3 Furchetta (Odle)
4 Steve House
5 Reinhold Messner
6 Piz Popena
7 Cristallo
8 Alexander Huber
9 Thomas Huber
10 Gran Vernel (Marmolada)
11 Manolo - Maurizio Zanolla, the Magician
12 Gnaro - Silvio Mondinelli


Aufnahmestandort: Trento, Piazza Duomo      Fotografiert von: Alvise Bonaldo
Gebiet: Dolomiten      Datum: 25.4.2012
On the opening eve of 60th Trento Film Festival - one of the most beautiful alpine towns. The photos are by Manuel Ferrigato. I know that very probably this is not a mountain panorama; anyway I think that mountains are also made of men, of their actions and of their \"look\". So, it is extremely suggestive to me. What do you think about that?


I think, you are right, and mountaineers will accept this as a good idea for a mountain panorama!
26.04.2012 12:39 , Uta Philipp
Ich bin hier der Ansicht das diese Art von Panoramen hier nicht hingehören,da ja eigentlich keine Alpengipfel in dem Sinne gezeigt werden.Deshalb enthalte ich mich auch einer Bewertung.
26.04.2012 14:26 , Thomas Janeck
I agree with Uta and you.
Enjoy the festival!

26.04.2012 23:50 , Andreas Starick
Relax, Thomas! 
Obviously it was only an experiment. You should read what I wrote with more attention...
Ciao ciao, Alvise
27.04.2012 07:02 , Alvise Bonaldo
Aber nun doch
27.04.2012 07:23 , Thomas Janeck
Too bad, that this nice picture is leading to such mixed emotions.
Schade, dass dieses nette Bild zu solchen Emotionen führt.
kind regards / cheers Christoph
27.04.2012 07:35 , Christoph Seger
I would say the guys on your picture all deserve to appear on this site (as an exception). Regards, Jens
27.04.2012 09:02 , Jens Vischer
Many thanks to all those who demonstrated an understanding of the meaning of my photo 
Ciao, Alvise
28.04.2012 07:55 , Alvise Bonaldo

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Alvise Bonaldo

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