Colbricon piccolo   64000
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1 (Passo Costalunga)
2 Roda di Vael, 2806
3 Catinaccio, 2981
4 Passo Lusia, 2050
5 Catinaccio d'Antermoia, 3004
6 Sassopiatto, 2958
7 Sassolungo, 3181
8 Cima Bocche, 2745
9 Cima Iuribrutto, 2697
10 Col Margherita, 2550
11 Gran Vernel, 3210
12 Marmolada, 3342
13 Gruppo dei Fanes
14 Tofana di Dentro, 3238
15 Tofana di Rozes, 3225
16 Cristallo, 3221
17 Strada di Passo Rolle
18 Mulaz, 2906
19 Costazza, 2290
20 Il Focobon, 3054
21 I Bureloni, 3130
22 La Vezzana, 3192
23 Cimon della Pala, 3184
24 Pala di San Martino, 2982
25 Colbricon, 2602
26 Colbricon Skigipfel, 2586
27 Colbricon Piccolo, 2511
28 Cima Valcigolera, 2540
29 Forcella Ceremana, 2428
30 Cima Ceremana, 2699
31 Vallone di Ceremana
32 Bragarolo 2628
33 Cima Bragarolo, 2692
34 Coston dei Slavazi, 2708
35 Cima Valon, 2678
36 Cima Cece, 2754
37 2584
38 Dolomiti di Brenta
39 Presanella, 3556
40 Cevedale, 3769
41 Gran Zebrú, 3851
42 Ortles, 3905
43 Corno Nero, 2439
44 Pala di Santa, 2488
45 Val di Fiemme
46 Corno d'Ega, 2799
47 Latemar, 2842
48 Ramolkogel, 3549
49 Viezzena, 2490


Location: Colbricon Piccolo (2511 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Fleimstaler Alpen      Date: 14-03-2010
The photo is mainly about the northern slopes of the Lagorai group. The valley north of the group is the Val di Fiemme - this is perhaps the reason why on this site the Lagorai has/have taken on the phantasy name of "Fleimstaler Alpen". I write has/have because in Italy the correct name is at least established, but we have another long-standing dispute: whether "Lagorai" should be considered singular or plural!!!
As one can see, the terrain is extremely apt to the practice of ski-touring. The Colbricon is the NE-most summit of the chain, which after it sinks down to Passo Rolle. The Colbricon Piccolo is an isolated, lower summit "perched" in its north flank in a way that is best appreciated in the linked Marmolada-pano N.13901. The starting point for both ski ascents is Paneveggio, which is sensibly less exposed to the crowds of mass tourism than the nearby San Martino di Castrozza. However, as one can see, in a clear spring day it is impossible to be alone even here!


Like your panorama 
and your comment on the fantasy name of "Fleimstaler Alpen".
2012/06/12 18:27 , Matthias Knapp
grandioso! Auguri-Toni
2012/06/12 18:35 , Sieber Toni
Very good pano and almost impossible to find a good cutting point for these 360°.
2012/06/12 18:58 , Arne Rönsch
Thank to you all!
Arne: yes, after several trials, for the cut I have opted for this one over Passo Costalunga (Karerpass), such to tear apart Latemar and Catinaccio. This gives a long Dolomitic lead-in at the beginning and a short Dolomitic lead-out, like an echo, at the end. But this, in turn, causes the disadvantage of having the skis right in the middle! (It was my fault, to park the skis without regard to the future pano...) However, I thought that in an image that has to be scrolled rather than to be viewed as a whole this can be considered a somewhat minor problem. As you say, an ideal solution seems to lack, but knowing this, one does not break his mind looking after it!
2012/06/12 19:33 , Pedrotti Alberto
Great pano - for me a good solution to the cutting point issue. Cheers, Martin
2012/06/16 10:57 , Martin Kraus
Nice panorama, I like it! Salve Michi
2012/06/21 01:00 , Michael Spoerl

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Pedrotti Alberto

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