The Padova Alps!   34162
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1 Catena del Baldo
2 Cima Valdritta
3 Chiesa del Carmine
4 Monte Zevola
5 Monte Plische
6 Cima Carega
7 Campogrosso
8 Monte Baffelan
9 Monte Cornetto
10 Pian delle Fugazze
11 Gruppo del Pasubio
12 Col del Gallo
13 Monte Verena
14 Cima Portule
15 Cima Trentin
16 Cima 12
17 Cima 11
18 M. Ortigara
19 M. Fior - Melette
20 Cimon Rava
21 Cima Quarazza
22 Colli Alti del Grappa
23 Cima d'Asta
24 Monte Asolone
25 Monte Grappa
26 M. Boccaor
27 M. Tomatico
28 Cimon della Pala
29 Cima Vezzana
30 Pala di San Martino
31 Cima Canali
32 La Fradusta
33 Cima Lastei
34 Piz Sagron
35 Erera-Brendol
36 C. Valscura
37 Sant'Antonino Arcella
38 M. Pizzocco
39 M. Civetta (hidden)
40 Cresta delle Masenade
41 Monte Cesen
42 M. Talvena
43 Il Burel
44 La Schiara
45 Monte Pelf
46 Rocchetta Alta
47 Bosconero
48 Monte Serva
49 Col Visentin
50 Col Nudo
51 M. Teverone
52 Crep Nudo
53 M. Venal
54 M. Antander
55 M. Messer
56 M. Guslon
57 M. Castelat
58 M: Cavallo
59 Raut
60 Monte Piombada
61 Monte Sernio
62 Monte Amariana


Aufnahmestandort: Padova (50 m)      Fotografiert von: Andrea Gasparotto
Gebiet: Dolomiten      Datum: 03/12/2012
It is not usual to clearly see the mountains from my town, but sometimes in a cold winter morning you can feel that Dolomites are closer to the Pianura Padana than ever before!! From a terrace on the top of a University Department I took this zoom pano which mix buildings and mountains... the quality isn\'t perfect, but I think is worth to be seen!!!
40 landscape-oriented shots with my Nikon D90 at 230 mm focal length.


eine gewagte Mischung, ich find sie gelungen.
13.12.2012 18:55 , Leonhard Huber
An interesting document, in spite of its imperfections.
14.12.2012 18:10 , Wilfried Malz
Lucky to live in a city, where one can have this kind of view! Excellent Work! BR, Volker
16.12.2012 17:34 , Volker Driesen

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Andrea Gasparotto

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