L'Ombilic   83671
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1 Pointes des Rogneaux
2 Pointe d'Aigliere
3 Tête d'Amont
4 Pic de Bonvoisin, 3481 m
5 Fort de l'Infernet, 2376m
6 L'Ailefroide, 3954 m
7 Pic Sans Nom, 3913 m
8 Pelvoux 3943m
9 Pic Coolidge, 3775 m
10 Le Fifre, 3699 m
11 Barre des Ecrins, 4102 m
12 Pic de Clouzis
13 Montagne des Agneaux, 3664 m
14 La Cucumelle
15 Pic Gaspard 3881m
16 Croix de Toulouse
17 Vallée de la Guisane
18 Pic de Combeynot
19 Pic des trois Evechees
20 Grand Area
21 Petite Peyrolle
22 Grande Peyrolle
23 Crête de la Gardiole 2955m
24 Mont Thabor 3171m
25 Guglia Rossa
26 Rocca Bernauda
27 Val-des-Prés
28 Vallée de la Clarée
29 Sommet du Guiau
30 Aiguille de Polset 3501m
31 Pointe de Pécé
32 Tête des Fournéous 2686m
33 Chalance Ronde
34 Rocher Charnier
35 Monte Chaberton, 3130m
36 Le Janus
37 Le Chenaillet
38 Roc del Boucher, 3285 m
39 Cime de la Charvie
40 Pic de Rochebrune 3325m
41 L'Arpelin
42 Aiguille de Chambeyron, 3412 m
43 Clot de la Cime 2729m
44 Petit Peygu
45 Grand Peygu 2796m


Aufnahmestandort: L'Ombilic (2410 m)      Fotografiert von: Andrea Rolando
Gebiet: Cottische Alpen      Datum: 9/12/2012
43 images shot handheld at 85mm on a FF camera



great panorama! 
One for me totally unknown territory.
15.12.2012 20:32 , Werner Maurer
It is very beautiful, but I think the snow is too blue.
16.12.2012 09:46 , Christoph Seger
interesting view, do you have the photos to complete the 360°? I agree with Christoph regarding the blue. Best regards Alexander
16.12.2012 09:52 , Alexander Von Mackensen
Thank you all for your kind feedback.
The white balance seems to be pretty accurate on my pc, and the color rendition is very close to reality, but I suspect I should check my monitor calibration...
As for the other issue you pointed out, this panorama actually covers 360°.
16.12.2012 22:00 , Andrea Rolando
Es gibt eine Irrtum. Der Pic Sans Nom ist links vom Pelvoux, und L'Ailefroide ist links vom Pic Sans Nom. Ich habe es zu Andrea geschrieben, aber er hat nicht es korrigiert.
20.01.2013 16:09 , David Schatzman
Thank you David for pointing out that error.
I corrected the labels and put the Pic Sans Nom and the Ailefroide in their right place :-)

I don't understand the reason why you decided to leave a bad rating to this panorama.

As you know, "when rating a panorama you should - in addition to the
quality of the motive itself - also take into account the technical aspects. These are among others:
Quality of stitching, well-balanced sharpness, correct cropping, quality of compression (no or hardly visible JPEG artefacts), no tint, etc." (quoted from the disclaimer in alpen-panoramen)

Hence, I assume your decision is due to technical reasons.
May you kindly give me any advice to improve this picture?

If your decision is due to the labeling error, I would ask you to delete or change your rating, since an error in the labeling can occur.

I apologize for the late answer to your message, but unfortunately I don't have much time to spend checking the mailbox or the comments to my older panoramas.


02.02.2013 12:11 , Andrea Rolando
Mea culpa 
Dear Andrea,
It's true that I could not understand, that you had times to do panoramas (2 or 3) and not to consider your messages.
It's impossible to change one's vote. I did not know it. Sorry. Morally, now I give 4 stars at this panorama.
03.02.2013 01:21 , David Schatzman
Dear David, Dear Andrea
If Andrea is re-loading the panorama, David should be able to give a new vote.
kind regards Christoph
03.02.2013 07:58 , Christoph Seger

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Andrea Rolando

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