Alto Lago Maggiore   13457
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1 Monte Marcalone 860
2 Monte Giove 1298
3 Brissago
4 Cima di Nimi 2191
5 Pizzo d' Orgnana 2218
6 Cima della Trosa 1869
7 Cimetta di Cardada 1671
8 Locarno
9 Pizzo di Vogorno 2442
10 Pino sulla Sponda del Lago Maggiore
11 Madone 2395
12 Cima dell' Uomo 2390
13 Monte Borgna 1158
14 Monte Cadrigna 1300
15 La Montagnola 931
16 Maccagno
17 Monte Bedea 667
18 I Bedeloni 972


Aufnahmestandort: Cannobio (214 m)      Fotografiert von: Giuseppe Marzulli
Gebiet: Tessiner und Misoxer Alpen      Datum: 16 December 2012
The pano shows the northern part of Lake Maggiore. In the pano, the lower part is located in Italy, the upper part in Switzerland. The border runs around on the line joining Brissago with Pino sulla Sponda del Lago Maggiore.


As I have nothing to show from the alps myself at the moment, I have been giving a few more silent ratings than usual. But If nobody else says a word to a pano like this, I can't be silent as well. The winter light together with the reflections in the lake give a unique mood - very nicely done! Cheers, Martin
23.12.2012 14:32 , Martin Kraus

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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