Monte Rocciavrè   44004
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1 Monte Giusalet, 3300 m
2 Dome de l'Arpont, 3599 m
3 Signal du Petit Mont Cenis, 3161 m
4 Mont Pelve, 3270 m
5 Lago del Moncenisio
6 Punta Pian Paris
7 La Grande Casse, 3855 m
8 Punta Roncia, 3602 m
9 Rocciamelone, 3538 m
10 Il Villano, 2663 m
11 Punta Charbonnel, 3751 m
12 L'Albaron, 3637 m
13 Croce Rossa - Croix Rousse, 3566 m
14 Punta Sulè, 3384 m
15 Levanna Centrale, 3619 m
16 Gran Paradiso, 4061 m
17 Punta Lunella, 2772 m
18 Cervino - Matterhorn 4476 m
19 Valle di Susa
20 Breithorn Occidentale, 4165 m
21 Castore, 4221 m
22 Lyskamm
23 Monte Rosa
24 Monte Muretto
25 Punta Sbaron
26 Colle del Vento
27 Monte Civrari, 2302 m
28 Punta Salancia
29 Cima Costabruna
30 Monte Pian Real, 2624 m
31 Monte Musinè, 1146 m
32 Punta del Lago Nord
33 Torino
34 Superga
35 Colle della Maddalena
36 Monte Pietraborga
37 Monte San Giorgio, 832 m
38 Anticima del Monte Rocciavrè
39 Punta dell'Aquila, 2105 m
40 Colletto del Robinet
41 Monte Robinet, 2679 m
42 Punta del Lago Sud, 2535 m
43 Punta Loson, 2653 m
44 Cima Argentera, 3297 m
45 Monte Matto, 3097 m
46 Monte Viso, 3841 m
47 Pan di Zucchero, 3208 m
48 Punta Ramiere, 3303 m
49 Punta Rognosa, 3280 m
50 Bric Rosso, 3024 m
51 Monte Albergian, 3041 m
52 Mont Pelvoux, 3943m
53 Barre des Ecrins, 4102 m
54 Forte di Fenestrelle
55 La Meije, 3982 m
56 Val Chisone
57 Cima del Vallonetto, 3217 m
58 Punta Sommeiller, 3332 m
59 Monte Orsiera, Punta Sud
60 Monte Orsiera, Punta Nord, 2890 m
61 Monte Niblè, 3365 m
62 Punta Ferrand, 3347 m
63 Rocca d'Ambin, 3378 m
64 Punta Cristalliera, 2801 m


Aufnahmestandort: Monte Rocciavrè (2778 m)      Fotografiert von: Andrea Rolando
Gebiet: Cottische Alpen      Datum: 27/08/2004
A 360° view from Monte Rocciavrè on an exceptionally clear day.

A complete list of the visible summits:


A very nice view towards East (as far as I can see). Stunning quality for '04 technology. Peakfinder I only knew from my phone - good site.
30.03.2013 18:59 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
superb - best regards Alexander
31.03.2013 18:42 , Alexander Von Mackensen
The clear view is remarkable - could you put on some distances? LG Jan.
01.04.2013 10:28 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Jan, for further information on distances, elevation, coordinates, and many other names of the surrounding summits you can copy and paste this link:
Click on the name of the summit to know the elevation and the distance from your point of view.
01.04.2013 20:03 , Andrea Rolando

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Andrea Rolando

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