Pale di San Martino Nord Kette   94758
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1 C. Zopel
2 Il Mulaz
3 C. Campido
4 Cima Focobon
5 Campanile Focobon
6 Passo delle Farangole
7 Torre Quattro Dita
8 Campanile ValGrande
9 Cima Valgrande
10 Le Zirocole
11 Cima dei Bureloni
12 Campanile di Val Strut
13 Cima Vezzana
14 Passo del Travignolo
15 Cimon della Pala
16 Pala di San Martino
17 La Rosetta
18 Cima di Val di Roda
19 Sass Maor
20 Cima della Madonna
21 Passo Rolle
22 Vette Feltrine


Aufnahmestandort: Cima Bocche (2745 m)      Fotografiert von: Andrea Gasparotto
Gebiet: Dolomiten      Datum: 13/04/2013
From Cima Bocche, reached by sky from the north side, you can enjoy one of the most spectacular view of the Pale North range, with the tallest summits of the group and some of the most interesting ski-excursion, like Monte Mulaz, Passo delle Farangole, Cima dei Bureloni and passo del Travignolo-Cima Vezzana. 12 vertical shots with Nikon D90+18-105 at 105 mm (155 equivalent in full format).


Pala is simply wonderful.

"sky"="ski"? :-)
22.04.2013 13:12 , Arne Rönsch
Thanks Arne! 
yes, sky was a mistake for ski.... ;)
22.04.2013 13:14 , Andrea Gasparotto
Fascinating view onto this wild range of spires. Cheers Bruno.
22.04.2013 19:39 , Bruno Schlenker
wild and spectacular 
i like these mountains. Best regards Alexander
22.04.2013 20:02 , Alexander Von Mackensen
22.04.2013 22:10 , Klaus Brückner
"reached by sky" 
It sounds very poetic.
Do you know that:
"It's wonderful to climb the liquid mountains of the sky. Behind me and before me is God and I have no fears" (by Helen Keller)?
That's one of my favourite massifs too. Thank you for the great picture.
Best regards, RR
23.04.2013 11:59 , RRady (Radek R.)
A magnificient view!

24.04.2013 00:23 , Andreas Starick
Thanks all! 
RRady, thanks for the citation, I have appreciated very much!! In fact "reached by sky" sounds good!! :-)
24.04.2013 09:29 , Andrea Gasparotto
24.04.2013 14:15 , Dietrich Kunze

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Andrea Gasparotto

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