Pizzo di Dosdé   04039
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1 Passo d'Avedo, 3053
2 Vedretta di Dosdé
4 Cima Orientale di Lago Spalmo, 3291
5 3262
6 Colle di Lago Spalmo, 3113
7 Cima Viola, 3374
8 Cima Settentrionale di Lago Spalmo, 3356
9 Vetta di Ron, 3137
10 Pizzo Painale, 3248
11 Pizzo Scalino, 3323
12 Piz Sena, 3075
13 Cima di Saoseo, 3264
14 Disgrazia, 3678
15 Pizzo Varuna, 3453
16 Val Cantone di Dosdé
17 Vadret da Palú
19 Corno di Dosdé, 3233
20 Corna di Campo, 3232
21 La Pala, 3169
22 Pizzo Paradisino, 3302
23 3293
24 To Passo di Val Viola - Switzerland
25 Pizzo Confine, 2905
26 Lago di Val Viola, 2268
27 Monte Val Nera, 3186
28 Val Cantone
29 Corna di Capra, 3135
30 Pizzo Bianco, 2827
31 Pizzo Zembrasca, 3090
32 Pizzo Filone, 3133
33 Pizzo della Valle, 2986
34 Passo della Vallaccia, 2614
35 Monte Forcellina, 3087
36 Val Viola Bormina


Aufnahmestandort: Pizzo di Dosdé (3280 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Livigno Alpen      Datum: 06-07-2010
Looking at the recent panorama from Monte Rinalpi I have thought of this old view, and I try to publish it, although you can see that it is not blessed by a particularly generous weather.
I have found surprising to see that such a popular all-season summit is not yet rewarded by any Alpen-Panorama.
A good reason to climb Pizzo Dosdé is the beauty of the nearby Alpe of the same name, with the very hospitable Rifugio Federico, set in an enchanting position. After the Pizzo I traversed to the Cima di Lago Spalmo, from which I descended in the pictoresque Valle d'Avedo, full of mountain lakes, not only the carefully hidden Lago Spalmo (giving the name to the quoted summit), but especially the incredible Lago Negro, which I found still heavily glaciated (www.panoramio.com/photo/71182127). By traversing Passo Dosdé it is then possible to close a wonderful one-day loop. In so doing, one gets a close view the once glorious north couloir of Cima Viola, one of the 80 walls described in the famous book by Erich Vanis, "Im steilen Eis" (Italian translation: Cento pareti di ghiaccio delle Alpi). Alas, nowadays here very little remains in terms of "steep ice".
The very strange way by which I arrived to the Dosdé region is too long to describe; it can be guessed from picasaweb.google.com/albertopedrotti/Passacaglia - map at the end.


Pedrotti Alberto

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