Mountains from the plain   43628
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1 Monte Boletto 1236m
2 Monte Bolettone 1317m
3 Monte Palanzone 1436m
4 Monte San Primo 1686m
5 Cima del Costone 1616m
6 Monte Barzaghino 1069m
7 Monte Cornet 1330m
8 Monte Oriolo 1110m
9 Monte Megna 1050m
10 Monte Legnone 2609m
11 Monte Pilastro 1826m
12 Grigna Settentrionale 2409m
13 Monte Cornizzolo 1241m
14 Grigna Meridionale 2177m
15 Monte Rai 1261m
16 Corno Birone 1116m
17 Pizzo dei Tre Signori 2554m
18 Monte Coltignone 1473m
19 Zuccone Campelli 2159m
20 Monte due Mani 1666m
21 Cima di Piazzo 2057m
22 Monte Sodadura 2010m
23 Monte Barro 922m
24 Pizzo d'Erna 1362m
25 #25041
26 Monte Resegone 1875m
27 Monte Magnodeno 1241m
28 Corna Camozzera 1452m
29 Monte Tesoro 1432m
30 Colle Brianza 877m


Aufnahmestandort: Inverigo (356 m)      Fotografiert von: Fabrizio Foppiani
Gebiet: Bergamasker Alpen      Datum: 19-3-2014

When i go out for a bike ride i also look around for a spot with a good view on mountains. This is the best i found until now, but the Grigne are hidden by mount Cornizzolo (you can see how big the old quarry is, they ate a side of the mountain...terrible)

Time: 17.12
21 Vertical Images (RAW)
ISO-80 F/8 1/40sec
Focal length (35mm): 135mm + crop


Very nice pano. On the right you could maybe add some sharpness - only a little ! :-)
Some quarries could really destroy the view for dozens of communities for really a long long time. This one actually doesn't look too bad as it is in the shade here - at least at this time of the day.
btw. spring can come.
20.03.2014 18:30 , Michael B.
thank you :) yes, the problem is this hot weather that is not good for far view. I did other panoramas few days ago and they're all not sharp... I miss cold windy winter days, but apart from that i'm happy for the spring hehe
21.03.2014 02:29 , Fabrizio Foppiani
Very beautiful light. A pano-point to be visited again!
Herzlichst Christoph
23.03.2014 12:25 , Christoph Seger
I think that this is a wonderful area for "bike and hike"!

Tanti saluti
23.03.2014 23:17 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle

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Fabrizio Foppiani

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