I Muncech dal Mottone   03070
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1 Monte Garzelli
2 Monte Borlasca, 1178m
3 Sasso Campedello, 2310m
4 Sasso Canale, 2411m
5 Pizzo Anna Maria, 2360m
6 Pizzo Alterno, 2397m
7 Alpe Campo, 1652m
8 Bocchetta della Pizzetta, 2246m
9 Alpe Dosso, 1500m
10 Bodengo, 1030m
11 Pizzo Ledù, 2503m
12 Bocchetta del Cannone, 2260m
13 Pizzo Rabbi, 2452m
14 Val Soè
15 Taglio di Inghirina, 2138m
16 Pizzo Cavregasco, 2535m
17 Bocchetta della Crocetta, 2200m
18 Pizzo Campanile, 2458m
19 Corte Terza, 1190m
20 Pizzo Paglia, 2593m
21 Pizzo Roggione, 2575m


Aufnahmestandort: il Mottone (2053 m)      Fotografiert von: Stefano Roverato
Gebiet: Tessiner und Misoxer Alpen      Datum: 4/05/2014
An ununsual view upon the Muncech mountains, taken from the summit of Il Mottone (2053m). This peak arises on the ridge between Val Bodengo (south side) and Val Pilotera (north side), and can be reached only by a difficult walk into wild forests and steep slopes, without a real path.

More photos at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/roveclimb/sets/72157644480834406/

If you wish, some photos from Pizzo Alterno climbing, through Bocchetta della Pizzetta: https://www.flickr.com/photos/roveclimb/sets/72157644446034718/


Stefano Roverato

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