Monte Peller   43982
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1 Monte Òzol, 1566
2 Monte Ori, 1377
3 Croce del Peller
4 Alta Anàunia
5 Passo della Méndola
6 Sassopiatto, 2958
7 Còredo
8 Roen
9 Smarano
10 Marmolada, 3342
11 Sfruz
12 Pale di San Martino, 3192
13 Lagorai
14 Monticello, 1857
15 Gronlàit, 2381
16 Fravòrt, 2347
17 Valsugana
18 Dosso Alto, 1554
19 Marzola, 1738
20 Vigolana, 2152
21 Paganella, 2124
22 Monte Corona, 2562
23 Val di Tóvel
24 Sottogruppo della Campa
25 Cima di Val Scura, 2670
26 Castellazzo, 2205
27 Cima Gaiarda, 2640
28 Malga Tassullo
29 Turrion Basso, 2385
30 Cima Brenta, 3150
31 Pietra Grande, 2937
32 Cima Flavona, 2918
33 Pian della Nana
34 Cima Rocca, 2831
35 Sasso Rosso, 2645
36 Cima Nana, 2571
37 Carè Alto, 3462
38 Presanella, 3558
39 Cima Scarpacò, 3252
40 Cusiano
41 Gruppo Redivàl - Boai, 2976
42 Mezzana
43 Valle di Peio
44 Menàs e Ortisè
45 Picco dei Tre Signori, 3360
46 San Matteo, 3678
47 Valle di Sole
48 Tredici Cime
49 Vioz, 3645
50 Gruppo Vegaia - Tremenesca, 2890
51 Cevedale, 3769
52 Malga di Cles
53 Gran Zebrú, 3851
54 Montés
55 Ortles, 3905
56 Cime Sternai, 3443
57 Valle di Rabbi
58 Gioveretto, 3439
59 Val della Pettorina
60 Arnago
61 Terzolas
62 Orecchia di Lepre, 3256
63 Caldés


Aufnahmestandort: Monte Peller (2319 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Dolomiten      Datum: 21-10-2011
This mountain is not represented on APA.
Since now it is late to make the description, I present it as a riddle...
Yes, this is Monte Peller, the true N corner of the Dolomiti di Brenta, although here the rock is no longer dolomitic. It is a formidable viewpoint on the Val di Non an Val di Sole: actually, its prominent presence is what makes the access to Val di Sole a bit difficult - who has been to the Tonale will surely remember the stretch of road, full of curves (and, in winter, of ice), near Ponte di Mostizzolo. Once there were also rumors about the possible construction of a 5 km tunnel from Mechel to Cavizzana, but now I do no longer hear them. There are substantially three reasons to climb the Peller:
1) typical Sunday tour, if you are a "noneso", i.e. inhabitant of the Val di Non;
2) easy 30 min summit walk to append to a to a bicycle ascent to Rifugio Peller or Malga Tassulla;
3) easy summit to reach at the beginning or end of some traverse in the northern Brenta.

"Walking inside" the image you see Maria Grazia, who before being with me on this "summit with a view", was with me at the "camp with a view" of

10 horizontal pictures, Nikon D7000 with 16-85, 24 mm equiv, 1/125 sec., f/16.


I think it should be M.P. - and I want to go there (or at least near) in August!
a very nice view, Alberto!
22.07.2014 08:55 , Michael Strasser
I agree with Michael, I just came (independently) to the same solution. I added some names to the landscape.
Herzlichst Christoph
22.07.2014 09:12 , Christoph Seger
wow, che vista! Una montagna che merita una visita... Ciao, Gianluca.
22.07.2014 18:50 , Gianluca Moroni
Ciao, sí, vale un giretto.
Poi tu, che non mi sembri un alpinista della domenica, prosegui per Sasso Rosso e sentiero Costanzi!
Saluti, Alberto.
22.07.2014 23:43 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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