Testa di Liconi - full panorama   53788
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1 Punta Garin
2 Torre di Lavina
3 Punta della Tsesera
4 Punt di Forzo
5 la Grivola
6 Herbetet
7 Gran Paradiso
8 Punta Bioula
9 Becca di Tos
10 Levanna
11 Grande Rousse
12 Monte Paramont
13 Doravidi
14 Testa del Rutor
15 Becca du Lac
16 Petit Assaly
17 Grand Assaly
18 Grande Casse
19 Dome de la Sache
20 Mont Pourri
21 Sommet de Bellecote
22 Kleiner St. Bernhard
23 Lancebranlette 2936 m
24 Mont Crammont
25 Monte Berio Blanc
26 Pointe des Ouillons
27 Mont Chetif
28 Monte Bianco di Courmyeur
29 Mont Blanc
30 Mont Blanc du Tacul
31 Dent du Giant
32 Dome de Rochefort
33 Grandes Jorasses
34 Aiguille de Leschaux
35 Monte Grueta
36 Aiguille de Triolet
37 Mont Dolent
38 Grand Combin
39 Testa de Curru
40 Guglia di Chambave
41 la Grande Rochere
42 Parrotspitze
43 Piramide Vincent
44 Monte Pisonet
45 Monte Faroma
46 Monte Fallere
47 Testa di Liconi - south summit
48 Monte Emilius


Aufnahmestandort: Testa di Liconi (2929 m)      Fotografiert von: Konrad Sus
Gebiet: Walliser Alpen      Datum: 31.07.2014
It was suprise to me, that there`s no panorama from Testa di Liconi at this site. This summit is pobably the best sight point to Italian side of Mont Blanc Group. Ascent - from upper part of Courmayeur - Villair (small parking). About 1900 meters of height difference, very steep ascent (can bite grass in front of you), takes about 4 hours. But panorama - in my opinion - great! On the way, we passing nice Lago di Liconi.


Well done!
Cheers, Danko.
10.09.2014 21:08 , Danko Rihter
ottimo punto panoramico!
10.09.2014 21:19 , Gianluca Moroni
Very good pano!
11.09.2014 00:44 , Christoph Seger
good Pano.
11.09.2014 09:10 , Ralf Neuland
great Wester Alps show Konrad! Really well done!
13.09.2014 10:56 , Sebastian Becher

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Konrad Sus


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