Per chi ama la Tofana   104399
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1 Croda del Becco, 2810
2 Croda de R'Ancona, 2366
3 Croda Rossa d'Ampezzo, 3146
4 Cima Formenton, 2830
5 Valle di Landro
6 Tre Scarperi, 3145
7 Cima Undici, 3092
8 Pomagagnon
9 Cristallo, 3221
10 Passo Tre Croci
11 Marmarole
12 Ra Zesta
13 Cortina d'Ampezzo
14 Sorapis, 3205
15 Antelao, 3264
16 Cima dei Preti, 2706
17 Duranno, 2668
18 Ra Valles
19 Col Nudo, 2471
20 Rocchetta Alta, 2412
21 Edoardo
22 Tofana de Inze, 3238
23 Marmolada, 3342
24 2874
25 Fanes, 2989
26 Sassolungo, 3181
27 Cevedale, 3769
28 Val Travenanzes
29 Conturines, 3064
30 Cima Campestrin, 2910
31 La Varella, 3055
32 Sass de Putia, 2875
33 Cima Dieci, 3026
34 Cima Nove, 2968


Aufnahmestandort: Formenton (2929 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Dolomiten      Datum: 14-09-2014
Tofana III seen from its N ridge, few metres above Bivacco Formenton, an old shelter of the war where you can comfortably spend the night - a highly recommended experience.
The best is to climb from the north through Ra Ola, which I dub the mother of all Dolomitic scree slopes, at the same time located in a superb frame of mountains. Your (non-negligible) efforts are rewarded when you reach the saddle at the top, where you find a very beautiful WW1 building, Ricovero Franceschini-Dòmini, which you barely tell apart from the nearby rock wall. After a panoramic rock band, the crossing of a scenic rock window gives access to a steep section with fixed ropes: at this point the Bivacco is already looking down from high above. From there, the summit ascent is easily achieved by the ridge which you see in the panorama.
Since this is one of my favourite ascents, I chose to do it in 2007 when cycling home from Sylt and the Tatras. In that occasion, I performed the whole traverse Tofana III - Tofana II - Tofana I, which followed by a return through the unique Val Travenanzes yields a truly superb loop.
This time, with Edoardo (find him in the image, and find his Pamir and Tienshan panos on PPH), snow and limited time did not allow a full repetition, but the loop which you find in the linked GPS track should be rewarding nevertheless.

11 HF, Canon G1X, 28 mm equiv, 1/1000 sec, f/5.6
GPS track:



At what time did you take the picture? Later on the weather changed, didn't it? I was farther west and it was "so lala".
15.09.2014 20:52 , Christoph Seger
It was 11.09, probably at the "peak" of good weather...
Now I see if people are interested; in case I will add further information.
Cheers, Alberto.
15.09.2014 21:11 , Pedrotti Alberto
Sure I am interested! We left a bit later from Innsbruck to have a nice afternoon and we have been told immediately upon arrival in the "Schwammerl and Grant'n" Wäldern south of Sterzing that "in the morning the weather was bad, then it was great and now - naja ..." However; I will present some material.

Herzlichst Christoph
15.09.2014 21:22 , Christoph Seger
really a spectacular view to the valleys besides the Tofana. I guess not too crowded up there, so quite inviting indeed. Where did you start - Pian de Loa?
15.09.2014 22:15 , Michael Strasser
Penso sia impossibile non amare la Tofana.
15.09.2014 22:23 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Yes, from Pian de Loa you can still cycle to Ponte dei Cadorís, right below the tough Ra Ola scree slope. I will publish the GPS track one of the next days.
16.09.2014 00:00 , Pedrotti Alberto
Bellissimo panorama!
16.09.2014 00:22 , Fabrizio Foppiani
Dominant in Szene! 
Ausgewogen mit der Wolke!
Gruss Walter
16.09.2014 09:17 , Walter Schmidt
Ciao Alberto 
Abbiamo "rischiato" di incrociarci. Avevo in programma la Rozes con mio figlio diciassettenne, ma fra giovedì, venerdì e sabato è venuta giù tutta quella neve che si vede anche nella tua pano, e così a malincuore ho rinunciato. Anche Dapoz del Giussani sconsigliava qualsiasi tentativo... tu da dove sei salito??
Ciao, Alvise
16.09.2014 10:06 , Alvise Bonaldo
Sì, c'era della neve, ma sulla Tofana III faceva poca paura perché a livello del bivacco era proprio una spolverata, mentre sopra i 3000, dove ce n'era di più, la cresta è comoda. Abbiamo gradinato, scavando con un sasso (!!), i tre metri di neve durissima della vecchia cornice, ma nulla più. Può darsi che la parte finale della Rozes in effetti fosse più delicata.
In cima c'era anche uno che aveva rinunciato all'Antelao, dato che le Laste non avevano affatto un aspetto invitante.
Il nostro anello era: Cadoris - Ra Ola - Franceschini Domini - Formenton - Tofana III - Ra Valles - Ra Zesta - Posporcora - Cadoris.
Ra Ola in salita è sempre una bella avventura!
Saluti, Alberto.
16.09.2014 10:53 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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