Testa Malinvern   33964
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1 Rocca di Valmiana, 3006
2 Monte Matto Skigipfel, 3088
3 Monte Matto, 3097
4 Asta Soprana, 2950
5 Lago di Valscura
6 Vallone di Valasco
7 Punta Gelas di Lourousa, 3262
8 Argentera, Cima sud, 3297
9 Cima Paganini, 3050
10 Cima di Nasta, 3108
11 Gelas, 3143
12 Brocan, 3054
13 Caserma
14 Testa di Tablasses, 2855
15 Grand Capelet, 2920
16 Testa Giegn, 2888
17 Testa Claus, 2897
18 Skialp
19 Cima di Tavels
20 Mont Pepouiri, 2674
21 Cime des Lauses, 2650
22 Mont Giraud, 2606
23 Testa Malinvern, 2939
24 Mont Saint Sauveur, 2711
25 Mont Mounier, 2817
26 Corborant, 3007
27 Tenibres, 3031
28 Chambeyron, 3412
29 Monviso, 3841
30 Rocca la Paur, 2972


Aufnahmestandort: Testa Malinvern (2939 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Meeralpen      Datum: 02-05-2009
This is a very adventurous pano, because it comes from images that were thought for separate works. Putting all together in a single pot, the whole spiced with a long series of tweaks, I was able to create a 360° which seamed well in the far ridges between the Rocca la Paur and Monte Matto. I was happy to have both inside at the same time, since I climbed both of them in the following days. However, the pano did not seam on the close snow dome, since both my friend and I had moved meanwhile, and even the light had changed: there were several minutes between the two series of shots, maybe also, I guess, the summit meal...
So, I created two separate panos acting differently with masks at the two ends, and then I dissolved between the two. I do not remember other details, since I did all the work several weeks ago, triggered by the remarkable N.25969, but then the publication was delayed - maybe es hatte eine Schlange sich gebildet, or some other happening.
On the Marittime I was in company of a big party of the Alpine Club of Mestre - you see several members scattered down on the slope. Stefano, of which, thanks to the masking work, you see only the shadow, was in superb shape that day... we got acquainted here on the Malinvern summit, and few hours later we summited also Testa Claus (I linked the panorama from there) and Cima di Tavels.
These two summits were a nice bonus, but the Malinvern for me was long awaited, since 1998, when I first saw it from the Cima della Lombarda, the pass-summit associated with the wonderful Colle della Lombarda.
I know that works like this one cost 10 years of life to the exigent Betrachter... unfortunately, I have also wonderful pictures from these wonderful mountains, but they are all on Kodachrome...


Con una battuta, che traggo dal mio linguaggio tecnico professionale, potrei dire che ha un rapporto costi-benefici non particolarmente vantaggioso. Ma presumo che la soddisfazione che hai provato nel riuscirci non ha prezzo.
23.09.2014 23:49 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Sí, hai indovinato, ogni tanto invece che fare il solito "compitino" mi piace cimentarmi con qualcosa di piú strampalato. Esteticamente, è quello che è, ma a mio parere tutti i panorami "scialpinistici", anche quelli dalla gestazione piú facile di questo, hanno dei ben precisi limiti da quel punto di vista.
Stasera lo tolgo, visto che qui non interessa (resta in rete la versione grande); comunque per chi conoscesse queste montagne conterrebbe una quantità di informazione non indifferente!
24.09.2014 15:36 , Pedrotti Alberto
Secondo me, dovresti lasciarla. Le valutazioni vanno un po' smitizzate, nel senso che influiscono troppe variabili che le rendono non oggettive.
24.09.2014 18:22 , Giuseppe Marzulli

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Pedrotti Alberto

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