Le Pale nell'ultimo sole   104333
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1 Moiazza, 2878
2 Mulaz shadow
3 Duranno, 2668
4 Pale di San Lucano
5 Talvena, 2542
6 Campanile dei Lastei, 2721
7 Schiara - Pelf, 2565
8 Cima Zopel, 2813
9 Agner, 2874
10 Lastei dell'Agner
11 Cima di Campido, 3001
12 Cima del Focobon, 3054
13 Campanile del Focobon
14 La Fradusta, 2932
15 Passo delle Faràngole, 2814
16 Torre Quattro Dita, 2932
17 Campanile di Valgrande, 2995
18 Le Ziroccole, 3058
19 Cima dei Bureloni, 3130
20 Cima della Vezzana, 3191
21 Cimon della Pala, 3184


Aufnahmestandort: Mulaz (2893 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Dolomiten      Datum: 27-09-2014
The short introduction that you see on the left side fixes the moment when the shadow of the Mulàz fully conquers the pyramid of the Duranno.
The scene is centered around the Focobon, an elegant "piler d'angle" which is often disregarded in favour of the more known Vezzana and Cimone.

Canon G1X, 7 HF, 58 mm equiv, ISO 400, f/5.6, 1/250 sec.


07.10.2014 19:46 , Thomas Janeck
a Great view

LG Gans
07.10.2014 20:04 , Johann Ilmberger
boah, awesome!!
07.10.2014 21:25 , Michael Strasser
07.10.2014 21:41 , Manfred Kostner
Le tue panoramiche del Gruppo delle Pale di San Martino sono una più bella delle altre. Ma me lo aspettavo.
07.10.2014 23:47 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Great Work! 
And: The Betrachter is relieved to see the foresummit. So obviously the author managed to reach the summit ;-)
08.10.2014 12:10 , Matthias Knapp
09.10.2014 08:10 , Ralf Neuland
Matthias: if I remeber well, I was close to the summit, but not on it. Probably I had the Gipfelaufbau on my side, and this prevented me to continue a bit further to the right - namely, the Betrachter does not like to see Aufbaus in pictures like this.
Yes, I know. In the future, for simplicity, I will turn on the option "Gipfelpunkt automatisch aufsuchen" :-)
09.10.2014 10:42 , Pedrotti Alberto
12.10.2014 10:58 , B. B.
16.10.2014 09:22 , Kathrin Teubl

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Pedrotti Alberto

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