Cima Bocche, short before sunrise   53202
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1 CIma Uomo, 3004
2 San Pelelgrino
3 Sasso Vernale, 3054
4 Sasso di Valfredda, 3009
5 Cima Iuribrutto, 2690
6 Sorapis, 3205
7 Antelao, 3264
8 Pelmo, 3168
9 Civetta, 3220
10 Moiazza, 2878
11 Col Nudo, 2471
12 Talvena, 2542
13 Schiara - Pelf, 2565
14 Passo Valles, 2033
15 Focobon, 3054
16 Bureloni, 3130
17 Vezzana, 3192
18 Cimon della Pala, 3184
19 Sass Maor, 2814
20 Passo Rolle, 1980
21 Pavione, 2334
22 Ceremana, 2699
23 Bragarolo, 2692
24 Cima Valon, 2678
25 Cima Cece, 2754
26 Cimadasta, 2847
27 Lastè delle Sute, 2616
28 Presanella, 3556
29 Corno Nero, 2439
31 Karerpass
32 Catinaccio, 2981
33 Sassolungo, 3181


Aufnahmestandort: Cima Bocche (2745 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Dolomiten      Datum: 26-10-2014
I mean, short before the previously posted N.26915.

17 HF, Canon G1X, 48 mm equiv, ISO 640, f/5, 1/40 sec.


Good work as always Alberto!
17.11.2014 01:38 , Johannes Ha
excellent! Auguri!
17.11.2014 17:44 , Sieber Toni
Sehr gelungen! Wohltuend dezente Farben. Sieht kalt aus ...
17.11.2014 19:43 , Michael Bodenstedt
Great work! Cheers Bruno.
19.11.2014 19:51 , Bruno Schlenker
I actually prefer the magic of the colors and the mood on this one. Jörg E once started a discussion on the popularity of sunsets and sunrises in the Dolomites on ap - hopefully there will be more pre-sunrises and post-sunsets. Cheers, Martin
07.12.2014 20:40 , Martin Kraus

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Pedrotti Alberto

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