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1 Regenstein
2 Grossglockner
3 Sillian
4 Golbner
5 Gumriaul
6 Hochschober
7 Heinfels
8 Hoher Prijakt
9 Petzeck
10 Hochalmspitze
11 Stronachkogel
12 Polinik
13 Rauchkofel
14 Spitzkofel
15 Torkofel
16 Reisskofel
17 Spitzegel
18 Dobratsch
19 Hollbrucker Egg
20 Hochgruben - Tovo Alto
21 Sillianer Hutte
22 Hornischegg - Monte Arnese
23 Terza Grande
24 Nuovi impianti Orto del Toro - Stiergarten
25 Cima Bagni
26 POpera
27 Croda Rossa di Sesto
28 Cima Undici
29 Croda dei Toni
30 antelao
31 cima Una
32 Lastroni dei scarperi
33 Tre Scarperi
34 Cime Bulla Sud
35 Cime Bulla Nord
36 Rocca dei Baranci


Aufnahmestandort: Helm - Monte Elmo (2500 m)      Fotografiert von: Alvise Bonaldo
Gebiet: Karnischer Hauptkamm      Datum: 3.1.2015
Panasonic Lumix FZ18, 13 foto orizzontali a mano libera
ISO 100, 1/500, f/8
Hugin, Photoshop
labelling a seguire


Hi Alvise

Great that you hiked the Helm in Wintertime. Did you take the assistance of the "Seilbahn"? An additional question - I am so curious .. Do you know what the sign "50" stands for?

Herzlichst Christoph
10.01.2015 09:06 , Christoph Seger
Ich vermute, das Schild entstand für das Jubiläum 50 Jahre Römische Verträge 2007.
Herzlichen Gruß
10.01.2015 12:00 , Michael Bodenstedt
@ Christoph, Michael 
Thanks a lot. I reached Helm by ski after having been at Sillianer Hutte and on Hochgruben - yes, with seilbahn from Vierscach... There isn't enough snow on the usual paths and it's not possible to climb the skislopes... Regarding "50" thanks to Michael because even I didn't know the meaning!! Although I thought such a thing, because of the European flag.
ciao, Alvise
10.01.2015 15:48 , Alvise Bonaldo
Proprio fra due mondi!
14.01.2015 23:09 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Alvise Bonaldo

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