Dusk from S.Tomaso   32628
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1 Monte Due Mani 1666m
2 Lago di Como 198m
3 Lecco 214m
4 Monte Resegone 1875m
5 Monte Magnodeno 1241m
6 Corna Camozzera 1452m
7 Monte Ocone 1410m
8 Monte Barro 922m
9 Valmadrera 237m
10 Colle Brianza 877m
11 Civate
12 Lago di Annone 224m
13 Appennini


Aufnahmestandort: San Tomaso (580 m)      Fotografiert von: Fabrizio Foppiani
Gebiet: Bergamasker Alpen      Datum: 11-1-2015

Panorama taken in front of the balcony of the little church of San Tomaso.

Time: 17:32
6 Horizontal Images (RAW)
ISO-80 F/6.3 5sec
Focal length (35mm): 28mm


Nice to see how you are mastering the Nikon - also by difficult conditions with the backlight to the right. VG HJ
23.01.2015 20:38 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
thank you! yes, despite is a compact camera this nikon can do a good job
23.01.2015 21:37 , Fabrizio Foppiani
Erstellung eher schwierig aber trotzdem toll
25.01.2015 08:56 , Roland Mitterrutzner

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Fabrizio Foppiani

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