Valsugana e Vezzena   43726
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1 (Val d'Assa)
2 Monte Verena, 2015
3 Cima di Campolongo, 1720
4 Monte Cengio, 1351
5 Monte Summano, 1299
6 Priaforà, 1559
7 Monte Rione, 1691
8 Spitz di Tonezza, 1696
9 Monte Campetto, 1662
10 Campomolon, 1853
11 Forte Busa Verle
12 Passo Vezzena, 1402
13 PASUBIO, 2234
14 Col Santo, 2112
15 Malga Rivetta
16 Monte Baldo, 2219
17 Passo del Sommo, 1343
18 Altissimo d
19 Cornetto di Folgaria, 2060
20 Monte Cimon
21 Becco di Filadonna, 2152
22 Pian dei Pradi
23 Tre Cime di Bondone, 2180
24 Viote
25 Vattaro
26 (Valdadige)
27 Palone di Bondone, 2090
28 Carè Alto, 3462
29 Vigolo
30 Bosentino
31 Caldonazzo
32 Calceranica
33 Lochere
34 Marzola, 1738
35 Le Brente
36 Cima Tosa, 3173
37 Lago di Caldonazzo
38 Santa Giuliana
39 Cima Brenta, 3150
40 Tenna
41 San Matteo, 3678
42 Lago di levico
43 San Cristoforo
44 Pietra Grande, 2937
45 Susà
46 Celva, 996
47 Calisio, 1096
48 Cevedale, 3769
49 Ortles, 3905
50 Pergine, 480
51 Levico Terme
52 Cime Sternai, 3443
53 (Val di Non)
54 Gioveretto, 3439
55 Orecchia di Lepre, 3257
56 Craunel, 1873
57 Selva di Levico
58 Weisskugel, 3739
59 Vetriolo, 1477
60 Hochwilde, 3480
61 Monte Roen, 2119
62 Hinterer Seelenkogel, 3470
63 Dosso di Costalta, 1955
64 Hochfirst, 3403
65 Barco
66 Pan di Zucchero, 3507
67 Panarotta, 2002
68 Oscivart, 2283
69 Fravort, 2347
70 Gronlait, 2383
71 Val Portella
72 Hoabonti, 2334
73 Campiello
74 Val d'Ilba
75 Cola, 2262
76 Novaledo
77 Ziolera, 2478
78 Cima delle Buse, 2574
79 Roncegno, 535
80 Marter
81 Cauriol, 2494
82 Gran Vernel, 3210
83 Marmolada, 3342
84 Cimadasta, 2847
85 Monte Zaccon, 1120
86 Cima Trento, 2530
87 Col dei Osei
88 Pala di San Martino, 2982
89 Armentera, 1500
90 Val di Sella
91 Croda Granda, 2849
92 Monte Lefre, 1305
93 Agaro, 2060
94 Sass de Mura, 2547
95 Pavione, 2334
96 Mandriolo, 2051
97 Cima Portule, 2307
98 Bocchetta Portule


Location: Cima Vezzena / Pizzo di Levico (1908 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Vizentiner Alpen      Date: 07-04-2015
I went up to Vezzena with the proposal to study organ in Luserna, but the weather was too inviting to close myself in the church. So - like the average student would have done - I pointed in the opposite direction, which in this case was that of Cima Vezzena / Pizzo di Levico.
Once on the summit, I thought that I needed to record something for the Panorama Betrachter, but I had the formidable obstacle of a 4-5m hight summit cross, making the creation of a parallax-free 360° very heikel...
After some minutes of experiments, trying to incorporate the cross from a suitable distance, I realized that this was not possible, due to the poor space available on what is, actually, little more than the roof of the former Austrian fort «Spitz Verle». So, I crept inside the three metal poles of the cross, but only to realize that currently I am not thin enough in order to turn around in such a space, where actually I could barely breathe.
After some further minutes of thought, I decided to climb halfway on the cross, which after all seemed sufficiently solid; in I marked the metal tubes where I leaned my feet, while the camera was not yet high enough to suffer interference from the horizontal arms of the cross. From there, I shot with the body outside and the camera "inside the cross".
Being concerned, during the rotation, with three main issues, namely, Nodal Point Conservation, Camera Conservation and Backbone Conservation, I faced them with strictly increasing priority: as a consequence, I felt rather surprised to have to correct only a minor parallax error, besides cancelling out a horrible metal pole in direction Mandriolo.

60 HF (two rows of 30), Canon G1X, 89 mm equiv, f/5.6, 1/800 sec.


Packender Tiefblick in die Valsugana und auf die schneebedeckten Gipfel des Trentino. Großartige Leistung, Alberto!! LG, Michi
2015/04/11 22:42 , Michael Strasser
Tolle Tief- und Weitblick, außerdem eine interessante Geschichte zum "Making of"
2015/04/12 12:34 , Daniel Krähmer
2015/04/13 22:22 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Interesting achievement, and a great portrait of your home country. Cheers, Martin
2015/04/18 18:11 , Martin Kraus

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Pedrotti Alberto

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