Venezia da Cima d'Asta   84324
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1 Il Montello
2 Montebelluna
3 Treporti
4 Monte Peurna, 1380
5 Treviso
6 Punta Sabbioni, 104 km
7 SAN MARCO, 100.2 km
8 Ponte della Libertà
9 Docked cruise ships
10 Poveglia
11 Mestre
12 Malamocco
13 Ship 360 m long, 135 km
14 Marghera


Location: Cima d'Asta (2847 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Fleimstaler Alpen      Date: 01-10-2011
Every time that one mentions a mountain located around my valley, there will be somebody telling «I heard that you can even see Venice from up there». At the same time, however, some Expert will pop into the conversation cutting short: «This is absolutely impossible; it is merely a fairy tale».
Maybe you did not even notice his presence in the room beforehand, but be sure: the Expert negating Venice will always rise out of the darkness and state his Knowledge at the right time. (Yes, because the
mission of an Expert is to have a Knowledge).
The intention of this 3-shot work is to settle the question in the case of Cimadasta. As you can see here, Venice is definitely visible from that summit.
The work has been realized sleeping in the tiny Ricovero Cavinato (accommodation for two people) few steps below the summit. Access to Cimadasta, as usual, by bicycle from home: the work is also environment-friendly...
Locals and/or informed people are urged to help with the identification.


Tolle Idee perfekt umgesetzt!

Beste Grüße,

NB: Vielleicht eher für pp?
2015/06/09 08:17 , Jörg Engelhardt
Flying ships in the dark adriatic sky - a brilliant document! Regards Peter
2015/06/09 08:24 , Peter Brandt
JE: kann sein, aber:
1) auf PPH bin ich jetzt beschäftigt mit Fernsichten aus einem anderen Gebiet, vgl.
2) ich hoffe in der Hilfe des "Venetianer" Alvise, der meistens hier tätig ist.
LG, Alberto.

Peter: I like your image of "flying ships"... If they look like birds, however, they are indeed big ones - no Vögelein at all!! Their size is what impresses me more in this picture.
2015/06/09 08:58 , Pedrotti Alberto
Thanks for answering the "venice-question" in this stunning manner! 
And the ships ar more like foreign millenium falcons than like "Vögelein" songbirds.
2015/06/09 17:29 , Matthias Knapp
Tra le altre cose 
ti faccio notare, ormeggiate in Marittima ("sopra" il Ponte della Libertà), le grandi navi passeggeri (quelle che tanto scandalizzano e preoccupano i cosiddetti no-Nav - pessimi neologismi a catena...).
Per il resto la vista della pianura illuminata dalle luci al sodio è notevole, come notevole è il profilo dei canali lagunari riconoscibile sempre dalle lampadone gialle sulle bricole. La Città invece è piuttosto indistinta, anche a causa della prospettiva molto schiacciata.
Ciao, Alvise
2015/06/10 11:19 , Alvise Bonaldo
Anche io ero stata subito attratto dalle navi da crociera ancorate, che distinguevo bene anche nel mirino.
Poi mi attirava la grande nave visibile al largo in alto a destra. Adesso ho calcolato la sua distanza in 135 km, e di conseguenza la lunghezza della sua immagine in 360 metri. Il che vuol dire che se è "orientata" perpendicolarmente è lunga quel tanto, altrimenti ancora di piú...
Peccato che la mia attenzione sia stata cosí polarizzata da questi oggetti, altrimenti avrei potuto andare avanti in entrambe le direzioni... tanto il cavalletto era montato, e la cima poco affollata!
2015/06/10 14:36 , Pedrotti Alberto
For people who do not understand Italian.
The conversation with Alvise is about the big cruise ships that one sees docked at the Stazione Marittima. After the Costa Concordia disaster there has been wide discussion about the opportunity of allowing these giants to reach within few dozens of metres from Piazzetta San Marco:
Various solutions have been studied:
Note, by the way, that this panorama has in a certain sense an historic value since it was taken when the name Schettino was still unknown - actually, it was taken three month before that happening.
While looking through the viewfinder, I was attracted not only by the big ships "inside" Venice, but also by the giant one close to the upper right corner. Now I compute its distance in 135 km. This accounts for a length of 360 metres - which would be even more if the ship were not oriented orthogonally to the viewing direction. Actually, not always ship captains are thinking of the Photographers aiming at them from the top of Cimadasta...
Alas, I was telling Alvise, my attention was drawn so much by those details that I did not even consider to go on with the poanorama, which would indeed have been easy in both directions, since the tripod was mounted and the summit was not that crowded...
2015/06/10 14:54 , Pedrotti Alberto
Per me, questa è una delle panoramiche più difficili in assoluto. Ha anche un grande fascino. Non è da tutti comprenderlo.
2016/01/19 19:11 , Giuseppe Marzulli

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Pedrotti Alberto

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