Comèlico   43247
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1 Costa
2 Creton di Clap Grande, 2487
3 Terza Media, 2455
4 Terza Grande, 2586
5 Costalissoio
6 Val Frison
7 (Santo Stefano di Cadore)
8 Monte Col, 2079
9 Croda di Mezzodí, 2394
10 San Leonardo
11 Brentoni, 2548
12 Cima Malpasso, 2133
13 Strada per Danta
14 Popera Valgrande, 2520
15 Cima W
16 Danta di Cadore
17 Crissin, 2503
18 Cima Bragagnina, 2281
19 Ciaredo, 2503
20 Ciastelin, 2570
21 Passo di Sant'Antonio, 1480
22 Croda Bianca, 2841
24 Cimon del Froppa, 2932
25 Aiarnola, 2456
26 Casamazzagno
27 Croda da Campo, 2712
28 Forcella del Tacco
29 Croda di Tacco, 2612
30 Cima di Padola, 2623
31 Cima de Ambata, 2872
32 Punta Anna, 2707
33 Punta San Leonardo, 2465
34 Cima Bagni, 2983
35 Monte Popera, 3046
36 Cima Undici, 3092
37 Passo della Sentinella, 2717
38 Croda Rossa di Sesto, 2965
39 Pala di Popera, 2582


Aufnahmestandort: San Leonardo, Casamazzagno (1346 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Karnischer Hauptkamm      Datum: 06-12-2015
Few days ago I published this work on Panorama Photo, but id met very little interest. Before removing it from all publication queues, let me try if it is accepted here.

Comelico is the name of the northernmost valley of Veneto, leading from Santo Stefano di Cadore to Passo di Monte Croce Comelico. Here the southern flanks of the Crode dei Longerin are characterized by open and sunny meadows, hosting several villages in extremely scenic position. Particularly lucky is the location of the church of San Leonardo above Casamazzagno and nearby Candíde.
Left in the picture you see the westernmost Carnic Alps, while right you see the Sextener Dolomiten - say, every 999 photos of Lavaredo you can expect to find maybe one of the wonderful Cima Bagni.
Not only for the common sacred subject, I recommend to see this in conjunction with my third "Panorama with Madonna", N.24312, taken from Danta di Cadore, lying on the other side of the valley on open meadows of the same sort.

With Edoardo we were on a four-day bicycle tour ( and we slept on the wooden terrace otside a barn, such that we were ready to take photos already from the sleeping bag (from which in December you do not creep out very willingly...): this activity is best witnessed in the defective panorama The coming of the first rays was highly spectacular and was the highpoint of one of those series of photos upon which you can work for weeks afterwards...


19.12.2015 16:59 , Thomas Janeck
Alberto, temo che anche questa volta...
capisco - e condivido - la scelta di includere nella panoramica anche la linea delle dolomiti comelicensi in piena enrosadira mattutina, ma la suggestione primordiale della chiesa rustica e delle dolomiti silenziose nell'alba viene in parte rovinata dalle case "moderne" sulla destra. Comunque, che dire? Se posso esprimere un voto,lascia questo panorama non ti curare delle stelle!!
Ciao, Alvise
20.12.2015 08:47 , Alvise Bonaldo
Eine sehr ungewöhnliche Stimmung; Licht welches vom Auge besser wahrgenommen wird als von der Kamera. Daher (so meine ich) sehr schwer umsetzbar und daher vielleicht auch nicht als das gesehen was es ist. Ein schwieriges Kunststück. Ich hätte aus dem Bild selbst nicht entscheiden können ob Sonnenaufgang oder Sonnenuntergang. Da würde ich mehr Info abseits vom Text wünschen.
Herzlichst Christoph
20.12.2015 11:31 , Christoph Seger
Christoph: vielleicht könnte das viel besser überarbeitet werden, aber ich weiss nicht, ob das der Mühe wert sei.
Vor allem, glaube ich, fehlt hier Einheit, und der lange, «schwache» Teil in der Mitte hilft in dieser Hinsicht auch gar wenig.
Mit diesem Panorama wollte ich nur zeigen, wie nah diese beiden Welten, Karnische Alpen und Sextener Dolomiten, von diesem nicht genug bekannten Standort aussehen.
LG, Alberto.
23.12.2015 18:10 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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