Salita tardiva alla Plose   22674
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1 Sass de Putia, 2875
2 2813
3 Forcella Putia, 2357
4 Ring Spitze, 2625
5 Passo Rodella, 1867
6 Tullen, 2653
7 Cima Lavina Bianca, 2494


Aufnahmestandort: Plose, versante S (1952 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Dolomiten      Datum: 14-11-2015
Here we were on a trail acting as a shortcut between Luson and Plose, half cycling, and half pushing the bicycle and/or taking photos.
We were particularly late because in the village of Luson we found that the church was open, the organ was accessible, the instrument itself was not locked and several volumes of the Organ works by J.S. Bach were available. So, a couple of hours flew away without even noticing. We had no tent with us, but luckily we found shelter at some Alm 200 m above the present standpoint.


Sehr stimmungsvoll,macht Freude bei der Betrachtung, Herzliche Grüße Velten
29.02.2016 04:38 , Velten Feurich
Velten: das war die Idee, nichts besonderes, aber ruhevoll...
LG, Alberto.
29.02.2016 20:03 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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