Cima Trento   32688
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1 Gronlait, 2381
2 Cornone di Blumone, 2830
3 Monte Ciste, 2186
4 Sasso Rotto, 2396
5 Carè Alto, 3462
6 Presanella, 3556
7 Rujoch, 2415
8 Monte Croce, 2490
9 Cevedale, 3769
10 Gran Zebrú, 3851
11 Ziolera, 2478
12 Ortles, 3905
13 Cima delle Buse Todesche, 2435
14 Pala del Becco, 2423
15 Cima delle Buse, 2574
16 Cima delle Stellune, 2605
17 Cima Orsera, 2476
18 Cima Lagorai, 2585
19 Lastè delle Sute, 2616
20 Cengello, 2439
21 Corno d'Ega, 2799
22 Castel dell'Aie, 2486
23 Catinaccio, 2981
24 Catinaccio d'Antermoia, 3004
25 Cauriol, 2494
26 Cardinal, 2481
27 Busa Alta, 2513
28 Cima Brunella, 2530
29 Sassolungo, 3181
30 Cima Corma, 2507
31 Torrion della Corona
32 Cimadasta, 2847
33 Rifugio Brentari, 2473
34 La Banca, 2729
35 Il Passetto, 2589
36 Il Mulaz, 2906
37 Cimon della Pala, 3184
38 Civetta, 3220
39 Col della Croce, 2423
40 Pala di San Martino, 2982
41 Conte Moro, 2407
42 Croda Granda, 2849
43 Monte Coston, 2017
44 Monte Tolvà, 2343
45 La Schiara, 2565
46 Piz de Sagron, 2486
47 Piz de Mez, 2440
48 Sass de Mura, 2547
49 Palon della Cavallara, 2200
50 Monte Cavallo, 2251
51 Ramezza, 2229
52 Col della Boia, 2066
53 Pavione, 2334
54 Malga Marande, 1605
55 Vallazza, 2167
56 Monte Coppolo, 2069
57 Monte Agaro, 2061
58 Picosta, 1421
59 Monte Grappa, 1770
60 Monte Fierollo, 2141
61 Monte Mezza, 1675
62 Il Frate, 2380
63 Castelletto, 2337
64 Cimon Rava, 2436
65 Cima Dodici, 2334
66 Cima Portule, 2307
67 Pasubio, 2234
68 Manderiolo, 2051
69 Armentera, 1500
70 Pizzo di Levico, 1908
71 Monte Baldo, 2218
72 Altissimo di Nago, 2078
73 Becco di Filadonna, 2152
74 Panarotta, 2002
75 Fravort, 2347


Location: Cima Trento (2530 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Fleimstaler Alpen      Date: 31-10-2016
Cima Trento is the highest summit of the so called Gruppo di Rava, which curiously takes its name from the 100 m lower Cimon Rava, which perhaps happens to be more prominent from some viewpoints down in the valley.
Some remarks about Cima Trento:
1) in the majority of the maps it is wrongly named Cima Quarazza, after an error which occurred in the official IGM (Istituto Geografico Militare) map, sheet 061 - Borgo Valsugana;
2) it is believed to have exactly the same height of the nearby and nearly twin Cima Brunella. I think that it is actually a couple of metres higher, and this photo should confirm this;
3) it is known as a difficult summit, due to some tricky spots on both its normal routes, but now these spots have been equipped with a few pitons and cables that make the ascent safer. The same has happened for an exposed passage on the ridge of Cima Brunella. As a result, for the first time I could realize the job of: ascending Cima Trento from the south couloir, descending through the north chimney to the saddle with Cima Brunella, ascending the latter, and then making it back to the backpack which I had left at the beginning of the difficulties, with a Nikon D3000 + 50mm and a D7000 + 16-85 and 70-300 in it, such that what you see is taken with the poor Canon G1X.
Returning (after many years) to Cima Trento was an idea that I had since the day of
whose access route closely reminded to me the southern access to Cima Trento.

Link to larger version - experimental, today being the first day after the expiry of Panoramio:


Your Panos from Fiemme range are almost soo stunning! Grazie Alberto!

Tanti saluti Seb
2016/11/06 16:23 , Sebastian Becher
Ganz, ganz eindrucksvoll
2016/11/06 18:20 , Christoph Seger
Tolles gelungenes Panorama mit herrlicher Sicht.

2016/11/07 08:18 , Ralf Neuland

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Pedrotti Alberto

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