Sotto la Fradusta   22671
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1 La Fradusta, 2939
2 Cima Pradidali, 2774
3 Pala di San Martino, 2982
4 Colbricon, 2602
5 Pala di Santa, 2488
6 Cima Corona, 2768
7 Cimon della Pala, 3184
8 Val Cantoni
9 Passo del Travignolo, 2939
10 Il Nuvolo, 3075
11 Cima della Vezzana, 3192
12 Cima dei Bureloni, 3130
13 Cima delle Comelle, 2951
14 Le Ziroccole, 3050
15 Campanile di Val Grande, 2995
16 Passo delle Farangole, 2814
17 Campanile del Focobon, 2969
18 Cima del Focobon, 3054
19 Cima di Campido, 3001
20 Cima Zopel, 2813
21 Cima Uomo, 3010
22 (Marmolada, 3342)
23 Monte La Banca, 2875


Aufnahmestandort: Sotto la Fradusta (2723 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Dolomiten      Datum: 15-08-2016
Not always the weather is collaborative with our panoramic endeavours!
So, on top of the Fradusta I was not able to shoot the usual summit 360°, and I suppose that the present work allows to understand why.
However, I think that it conveys an idea of how the wide Altopiano delle Pale looks and "feels" like.
The version for my personal taste is the one shot four minutes earlier, namely but I know that this kind of works is not even considered here, so I post this one.



Sehr palatypisch - wie die Quellwolken die Bewegung der Hochfläche aufnehmen und radikalisieren. VG Peter
15.01.2017 14:53 , Peter Brandt
Dazu muß man unbedingt anschauen.
15.01.2017 20:02 , Heinz Höra

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Pedrotti Alberto

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