Tramonto dallo Slimber   71948
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1 Monte Croce, 2490
2 Passo Cadino
3 (Cagnon di Sopra)
4 Cima Bolenga, 2272
5 Malga Cagnon di Sotto, 1730
6 Corno d'Ega, 2791
7 Catinaccio, 2981
8 Sassolungo, 3181
9 (Passo Manghen, 2047)
10 Piz Boè, 3151
11 Tornante del Manghen
12 (Valtrighetta)
13 Cima Ziolera, 2478
14 Cima delle Buse, 2574
15 Marmolada, 3342
16 Cima d'Asta, 2847
17 Cima d'Ezze, 2351
18 Cima di Sette Selle, 2396
19 Sasso Rotto, 2396
20 Sopra Conella, 2308
21 Monte del Lago, 2327
22 Fravort, 2347
23 Gronlait, 2381
24 Becco di Filadonna, 2152
25 Monte Baldo, 2218
26 Altissimo di Nago, 2078
27 Marzola, 1738
28 Stivo, 2059
29 Tre Cime di Bondone, 2140
30 Il Palone, 2090
31 Dosso di Costalta, 1955
32 Carè Alto, 3462
33 Cima Tosa, 3173
34 Cima Brenta, 3150
35 Vioz, 3645
36 Rujoch, 2415
37 Schliwerlai Spitz, 2432
38 Shelter at Passo Palú, 2072
39 Monte Conca, 2302


Aufnahmestandort: Monte Slimber (2204 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Fleimstaler Alpen      Datum: 21-09-2017
Every year, the third Sunday of September, a piigrimage takes place starting from the Val dei Mocheni / Bersntol to the sanctuary of Pietralba / Maria Weißenstein in Südtirol, some 50 km to be covered entirely by foot.
The start is fixed in the central square (well, actually the unique flat place all in the surroundings) of Palú at 03.00 am, in direction of the pass dominating the valley, namely Passo Cagnon. From there, a short descent leads to Malga Cagnon di Sopra, where the tradition sets a coffee break offered by Agnese, class 1939, who since 1972 keeps the Malga. This year, since the pilgrims looking for a quieter going had set off from Palú, in mist and rain, already at midnight, Agnese started distributing coffee already at 02.30. In spite of this, she showed up at the evening mass in Pietralba, accompanied by car by a friend and by the shepherd who works for her in the Malga.
Five days later, I wanted to return on the place with better weather, in order to greet again this extraordinary woman, but I realized to be a little late for the tight standards of Alpine huts, and thus I dropped the project. As a consolation prize, I lingered on Monte Slimber to photograph the sunset that you see here.


That is mountain photography - full of emotions and feelings !!! "Stars" that remain in the heart, independent and far away from social media ;-) - I feel and understand !!

A heartfelt thank for your report - here and there, dear Alberto ...

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
26.09.2017 20:40 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Interesting story, there is much feeling in it! Also the pano is appealing and authentic.
26.09.2017 20:48 , Werner Maurer
well done :-)) LG Alexander von Mackensen
26.09.2017 21:06 , Alexander Von Mackensen
I did not even attempt to describe the strange solution by which I followed the pilgrimage by bicycle. Not for the faint-hearted geographer, but, in short:
- I parked the bicycle at Cagnon di Sotto (21°) the previous evening. In fog and light rain I ascended to Passo Palú, where I found a shelter (322°).
- at 01.30 I woke up with the lower half of the sleeping bag bacause of the water swept inside by a strong side-wind. Under heavy rain I descended to the village of Palú (hidden at 265°);
- I joined the group which I accompanied till Passo Cadino (14°), skirting the malga of Agnese, which I passed while heading back to the bicycle. The last pilgrims were very surprised to meet one headlamp walking in the "wrong" direction. Some of them simply thought that I was too tired and I was giving up;
- I cycled down to Valtrighetta (hidden at 55°) and from there up the Manghen.
Down to Val di Fiemme and then up to Passo degli Oclini - Jochgrimm.
- final descent to Pietralba (which the pilgrims reached from below by a footpath unsuited for the bicycle).
With the further help of the GPS track
people acquainted with the geography of our valleys may understand something.
The photographic documentation
has been already requested by several people, including the monks of Weißenstein and the Scühtzenkompanie Aldein...
26.09.2017 21:10 , Pedrotti Alberto
a great tour and a great panorama as always to your tours. Pity the currently in the ap the panoramas very little to be honored for the effort one operates.

27.09.2017 09:53 , Ralf Neuland
Hier sehe ich kein großes Problem... Wenn unsere Touren/Panoramen wenige Beachtung finden, das kann nur eins meinen: daß die Leute indessen bessere Touren/Panoramen schaffen, was uns nur freuen kann!
LG, Alberto.
27.09.2017 11:46 , Pedrotti Alberto
Thank you for your exciting additions and photographic documentation - the panorama becomes even more expressive. Chapeau, dear Alberto !!

Tanti saluti dalla Foresta Nera - vicino Alpirsbach ;-)) !
Cheers, Hans-Jörg
30.09.2017 08:19 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle

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Pedrotti Alberto

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