A Monte Barro glimpse II   64351
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1 Monte Barro 922m
2 Monte Coltignone 1474m
3 Pizzo Rotondo 2495 m
4 Zuc di Cam 2192m
5 Lecco
6 Pizzo dei Tre Signori 2554m
7 Monte due Mani 1666m
8 Adda
9 SS36
10 Pizzo d'Erna 1375m
11 Monte Resegone 1875m
12 Monte Magnodeno 1241m
13 Lago di Garlate
14 Corna Camozzera 1452m
15 1404m
16 L'Ocone 1363m
17 Monte Tesoro 1432m
18 Monte Albenza 1424m
19 Caloziocorte
20 Olginate
21 Canto 710m
22 A Monte Barro glimpse I
23 Monte Crocione 901m
24 Galbiate
25 Lago di Annone 226m
26 Annone
27 Lago di Alserio 260m
28 Lago di Pusiano 258m
29 Civate
30 Monte Cornizzolo 1241m
31 Monte Rai 1261m


Aufnahmestandort: Monte Barro SE ridge (817 m)      Fotografiert von: Stefano Caldera
Gebiet: Bergamasker Alpen      Datum: 13 Jun 2008
This is the second of a series of three panoramics from Monte Barro. The SE ridge has three major elevations, each with a quite different view from the others.
First: #3640

29 images, 360°
EOS 350D + EF-S 17-85 IS USM @ 17mm f/8, 1/80s
circular polarizer


Super!!! LG Johann
16.06.2008 21:38 , Johann Ilmberger
Wunderschöne kräftige Frühling/Sommerstimmung... 
...mit stupender Klarheit und toller Wolkenspiegelung in den Seen! ts Alfredo
17.06.2008 18:51 , Fredy Haubenschmid
I think both are great with wonderful strong and clear colours.. This one is a little bit better.. But both are looking same and i also think one is enough.. greetz Sebo
18.06.2008 19:41 , Sebastian Becher
even better than the first one. - tanti saluti, dirk
19.06.2008 09:11 , Dirk Becker
Klasse Panorama! LG Toni
21.06.2008 10:09 , Anton Theurezbacher
A very impressive portrait of this area. You can walk around with your eyes from montains to lowlands and stop at the lakes to enjoy the reflections of the clouds. A yery detailed and balanced presentation, also in terms of color. Brilliant.
12.07.2008 13:47 , Leonard Tieck

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Stefano Caldera

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