Tele from Sparavera   41513
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1 Rocciamelone, 3538m
2 Monte Lera, 3355m
3 Ponte du Ribon, 3527m
4 Punta Croce Rossa, 3565m
5 Punta d'Arnas (Ouille d'Arbéron), 3554m
6 Punta di Charbonell, 3752m, 233,3Km
7 La Bessanese, 3592m
8 Uja di Ciamarella, 3676m
9 L'Albaron, 3640m
10 Punta Francesetti, 3425m
11 Monte Podona, 1228m
12 Levanna Orientale,3555m
13 Canto Alto, 1146m
14 Levanna Centrale, 3619m
15 Levanna Occidentale, 3593m
16 Punta Gialin, 3270m
17 Ciarforon, 3643m
18 La Tresenta, 3609m
19 Gran Paradiso, 4061m; 211,3Km
20 Punta Farrar, 3921m
21 Becca di Montandayné, 3838m
22 Punta Budden, 3683m
23 Herbetet, 3778m
24 Rosa dei Banchi, 3164m
25 Monte Linzone, 1392m; 32,9Km
26 Monte Poieto, 1360m
27 Monte Nery, 3075m
28 Punta di Soleron, 2890m
29 Monte Cossarello, 2691m
30 Monte Tesoro, 1432m
31 Corno del Pallone, 2920m
32 Corno Rosso, 2979m
33 Monte Palanca, 2685m
34 Punta Valfredda, 2942m
35 Cresta Rossa, 2986m
36 Corno Vitello, 3057m
37 Punta di Rissuolo, 3102m
38 Corno Bianco, 3320m
39 Testa Grigia, 3315m
40 Corno Grosso, 3042m
41 Punta Straling, 3115m
42 Grand Tournalin, 3379m
43 Monte Tagliaferro, 2964m
44 Stolemberg, 3202m
45 Piramide Vincent, 4215m
46 Corno Nero, 4321m
47 Ludwigshöhe, 4341m
48 Liskamm, 4527m
49 Punta Gnifetti (Signalkuppe). 4554m
50 Punta Zumstein (Zumsteinspitze), 4563m
51 Punta Dufour (Dufourspitze), 4635m; 162,2Km
52 Nordend, 4609m
53 Cervino (Matterhorn), 4477m; 178,6Km
54 Resegone, 1875m
55 Monte Suchello, 1541m
56 Alphubel, 4206m
57 Täschhorn, 4491m
58 Dom, 4545m; 165,1Km
59 Monte Sornadello, 1580m
60 Lenzspitze, 4294m
61 Nadelhorn, 4327m
62 Weissmies, 4023m
63 Pizzo Grande, 1571m


Aufnahmestandort: Monte Sparavera (1369 m)      Fotografiert von: Giuseppe Marzulli
Gebiet: Bergamasker Alpen      Datum: 5 November 2021
6 photos; 200mm; 1/400sec.; f5,6; 200ISO; no tripod.


Superb! Wie das Matterhorn rüberspitzt! Grüße von Peter
14.11.2021 21:43 , Peter Brandt
Thanks Peter. The Matterhorn from the Bergamo mountains is often hidden by Monte Rosa (or other mountains). When we were much younger, one of the favorite entertainment was to walk up to see the tip of the Matterhorn (in Italy, as you surely know, we call it Cervino). Whoever saw the tip of the Matterhorn first, won.
The kids nowadays definitely prefer other games, but we had fun like that. Other times...
14.11.2021 21:50 , Giuseppe Marzulli
14.11.2021 21:56 , Peter Brandt

Looks like you were a very lucky kid ;-)
15.11.2021 08:19 , Jens Vischer

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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