Crode dei Camosci e dei Piani dal Pian di Cengia basso   11196
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1 Cadin Passaporto
2 Paterno
3 Forcella del Camoscio
4 Pano # 40082
5 Punta del Camoscio
6 Punta del Camoscino
7 Punta del Camoscetto
8 Forcella dei Laghi
9 Crode dei Piani
10 Collerena
11 Monte Cengia
12 Croda dei Toni
13 Croda Antonio Berti
14 Cima d'Auronzo
15 Ponta de l'Agnel


Aufnahmestandort: Pian di Cengia basso (2220 m)      Fotografiert von: Alvise Bonaldo
Gebiet: Dolomiten      Datum: 12.9.2022
After FUNDAMENTAL hint by Arne I finally understood what was wrong with downscaling... In Irfan "Resize/resample" mode there is an option "apply sharpen after resample" which I inadvertently always left active... Now I have removed the flag and therefore - except for error - the photo should not sharpen after the height reduction. This does not automatically mean that my panoramas are better, but it is a step forward!
Thanks to everybody for the help.


Now you achieved better results. Nice picture. LG Niels
11.10.2022 06:16 , Niels Müller-Warmuth

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Alvise Bonaldo

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