Laghetto di Primalunetta   4466
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Aufnahmestandort: Laghetto di Primalunetta (2170 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Fleimstaler Alpen      Datum: 15-11-2020
Small and forgotten.


I increasingly value such moments over (or at least equal to) the wide summit views. Cheers, Martin
27.08.2024 20:43 , Martin Kraus
very intense!
28.08.2024 07:46 , Peter Brandt
Super! Ich kann den Herbst und solche Momente kaum erwarten...
31.08.2024 17:39 , Johannes Ha
Wonderful layers and mood ... ... and good that you remembered that this work was still slumbering in your archive !!

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
10.09.2024 05:53 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle

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Pedrotti Alberto

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