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1 Val Porcellizzo
2 Cima del Calvo 2987m
3 Pizzo Ligoncio 3032m
4 Rifugio Gianetti
5 Sasso Manduino 2888m
6 Cime di Gaiazzo 2920m
7 Pizzo Porcellizzo 3076m
8 Punta Sertori 3195m
9 Punta Torelli 3137m
10 Monte Rosa 4633m
11 Pizzo Badile 3305m
12 Aletschhorn 4194m
13 Finsteraarhorn 4274m
14 Pizzi dei Vanni 2777m
15 Adula 3402m
16 Cengalo shadow
17 Güferhorn 3383m
18 Pizzo Stella 3163m
19 Pizzo Tambo' 3279m
20 Tödi 3614m
21 val Bregaglia
22 Piz Timun 3209m
23 Piz della Palu' 3172m
24 Piz Grisch 3060m
25 Ringelspitz 3247m
26 Piz Platta 3392m


Aufnahmestandort: Cresta del Cengalo (3200 m)      Fotografiert von: Stefano Caldera
Gebiet: Bernina Alpen      Datum: 09 Sept 2009
My tribute to Riccardo Cassin


A great man that wasn't celebrated like he deserved, in days in which we see lots of idiots appear in television programs... :-(
Great picture, I like especially the rocks in foreground and obviously, the great Badile.
15.09.2009 09:46 , Marco Nipoti
Io in febbraio ho ricevuto da Riccardo Cassin un' autografo nel suo libro. Veramente eccezionale cosa hanno fatto i veri pionieri della montagna.
15.09.2009 09:57 , Manfred Kostner
It was the 50th anniversary 
of Cassins classical climb, and I happened to be on the Sciora hut in August 1987, when Sir himself appeared, about 80 years old, and the next day he made the wall again, accompagned by some guides. Very impressive.
15.09.2009 10:19 , Matthias Knapp
What a face! Just read about Riccardo Cassin and found an article where years later Hermann Buhl, a German climber, made this face alone. The day before he arrived from distant Landeck on his bike (160km). After he succeeded he went back the same weekend, of course by bike. LG HJ
15.09.2009 10:36 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Yes, Hermann Buhl, a Legend (He was Austrian). I read his diary-book 'E' buio sul ghiacciaio', 'Achttausend drüber und drunter' in german. Recommended!
15.09.2009 11:23 , Stefano Caldera
Dieser Badile steht da wie eine startbereite Rakete. Tolles Bild. Lg. Bruno.
15.09.2009 18:18 , Bruno Schlenker
Most marvellous perspective on Badile I have ever seen! - Terrific! - Tanti saluti, dirk
16.09.2009 18:48 , Dirk Becker
And the legend says ... 
that Hermann Buhl made a terrible mistake during this trip: On the way back to Landeck he drove his bike into the Inn river. A bit tired, the poor guy.
16.09.2009 20:38 , Peter Brandt
Just another great quality pic of you! I will always remember Pizzo Badile, where I once came into a horrible thunderstorm, while climbing the North Edge. Cheers, Michael
19.09.2009 10:18 , Michael Riffler
19.09.2009 16:02 , Daniel Mürbe
18.12.2009 00:40 , Michael Spoerl
... und noch ein sehr schöner Detailblick auf den Badile!! LG Hans-Jörg
29.05.2014 18:44 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle

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Stefano Caldera

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