Simplonpass   35634
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1 Mäderhorn 2895m
2 Monte Leone 3553m
3 Breithorn 3438m
4 Huebschhorn 3192m
5 Simplon-Hospiz
6 Fletschhorn 3993m
7 Senggchuppa 3606m
8 Rauthorn 3268m
9 Sirwoltehorn 2845m
10 Mattwaldhorn 3245m
11 Galehorn 2797m
12 Magehorn 2621m
13 Tochuhorn 2661m
14 Staldhorn 2462m
15 Gr.Fiescherhorn 4043m
16 Gr.Gruenhorn 4043m
17 Chamm 3866m
18 Fiescher Gabelhorn 3876m
19 Schoenbuehlhorn 3854m
20 Gr.Wannenhorn 3906m
21 Finsteraarhorn 4274m
22 Studerhorn 3638m
23 Folluhorn 2656m
24 Fuelhorn 2738m
25 Gr.Humetz 2923m


Aufnahmestandort: Steinadler, Simplonpass (2029 m)      Fotografiert von: Marco Nipoti
Gebiet: Tessiner und Misoxer Alpen      Datum: 30 Oktober 2009
The massive Steinadler that dominates Simplon Pass (Stone Eagle) watched for possible Italian invasions from South, during II World War.
Nowadays invasions come only from tourists' cars, but sometimes they're not completely pacific ;-)

Pano of 36 Portrait shots.
Viewing Angle 360°

EXIF Data of first shot
Model: Canon EOS 40D 17-85 IS USM
Orig. Date Time: 30.10.09 13:01
Orig. Shots in JPG
Exposure time 1/320s
Focal Length 42mm
ISO 100
Orig Size : 26245x3883 (102MPixel)


impressive view and good work with the different illumination! For me it seems to be rather dark, if you correct it with "Tonwertkorrektur", you will be able to impove it and to receive 4 ****. Best regards Alexander
24.11.2009 09:51 , Alexander Von Mackensen
Hi Alex,
you're right.
It's a bit too dark: I lightened up shadows keeping highlights untouched, thanks to a hint from Stefano.
Whats the English for Tonwerkorrektur :-) ?
27.11.2009 17:19 , Marco Nipoti
Just today I revisted the might brighter panorama. - Now it is really great and deserves 4 stars. :-) - Tanti saluti, dirk
04.06.2010 11:02 , Dirk Becker

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Marco Nipoti

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