Monte Cazzola 360°   35541
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1 Pioda di Crana 2430m
2 Cima dei Casaleti 2417m
3 Pizzo La Scheggia 2466m
4 I love the lenticular clouds!
5 Monte Zeda 2156m
6 Cima della Laurasca 2195m
7 Pizzo Ragno 2289m
8 Corno Cistella 2688m
9 Monte Cistella 2880m
10 Pizzo Diei 2906m
11 Pizzo del Dosso 2551m
12 Pizzo Straciugo 2713m
13 Pizzo Creggio 2280m
14 Latelhorn 3204m
15 Colle di Ciamporino
16 Pizzo della Sella 2464m
17 Punta Gnifetti / Signalkuppe 4554m
18 Pizzo d'Andolla 3653m
19 Weissmies 4017m
20 Cima di Valtendra 2693m
21 Monte Leone 3553m
22 Pizzo Moro 2948m
23 2841m
24 Pizzo di Boccareccio 3027m
25 Punta di Boccareccio 3207m
26 Helsenhorn 3272m
27 Vorder Helse 3106m
28 Passo di Cornera 2536m
29 3023m
30 Pizzo Cornera / Gischihorn 3080m
31 Cervandone / Scherbadung 3210m
32 Punta Gerla 3087m
33 Punta della Rossa 2888m
34 Grosses Schinhorn 2939m
35 o Punta di Valdeserta
36 Kleines Schinhorn 2917m
37 Mittelberg 2878m
38 Grampielhorn 2764m
39 Pizzo Crampiolo 2766m
40 Punta d'Arbola / Ofenhorn 3235m
41 Punta del Forno 2903m
42 Corni di Nefelgiu 2951m
43 Monte Minoia 2800m
44 Pizzi della Satta 2830m
45 Punta Clogstafel 2967m
46 Monte Giove 3009m
47 Monte Corbernas 2578m
48 Monte Cazzola summit 2330m
49 Pizzo Pojala 2773m
50 Pizzo Biela 2856m
51 Ritzberg 2591m
52 Corona di Groppo 2792m
53 Monte Forno 2593m
54 Pizzo dei Croselli 2709m
55 Pizzo di Pioda 2678m
56 Pizzo del Forno 2695m
57 Pizzo Cortefreddo 2499m


Location: Monte Cazzola (2330 m)      by: Stefano Caldera
Area: Tessiner und Misoxer Alpen      Date: 10 Apr 2010
Today the weather was a little strange: the humidity layer was present under 2000-2500m (never seen so many lenticular clouds all together), so this image has something misty.. the grass already uncovered is due to the wind that permanently blows on the summit.

Monte Cazzola is the most famous path for snowshoes in Ossola (at least): it does not present any kind of avalanche danger and provides a great 360° panorama, with the Helsenhorn-Cervandone group in the foreground. For these reasons it is very hard to be able to shoot a 360° picture with nobody on the summit, I was very lucky to find nobody when I shot.

Canon EOS 40D
EF 17-40 F/4 L
26 images, 28mm, F/8, 1/1600s


Much of the charm of this Panorama derives from the funny clouds. They look like space ships from an invading army from Mars. Greetings Bruno.
2010/04/11 13:16 , Bruno Schlenker
Simply fantastic! - Tanti saluti, dirk
2010/04/11 16:33 , Dirk Becker
Your lenticular clouds 
are like little galaxies on a deep-field-photo from Hubble! Fantastic view and work, the region not far from us (Germans), but very exotic.
2010/04/19 15:55 , Matthias Knapp

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Stefano Caldera

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