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1 Il Mut
2 Rujoch, 2415
3 Schliverlai Spitz, 2432
4 Fregasoga, 2452
5 Schrammacher, 2410
6 Olperer, 3476
7 Gronlait, 2383
8 Schwarzenstein, 2239
9 Pala di Santa, 2488
10 Passo di Pampeago
11 Latemar, 2846
12 Passo della Portella, 2141]
13 Sassopiatto, 2958
14 Pizzo Alto, 2213
15 Sassolungo, 3181
16 Cima di Sette Selle, 2396
17 Sentiero europeo E5
18 Sassorotto, 2396
19 Monte del Lago, 2327
20 Ziolera, 2478
21 Cimon della Roa, 2558
22 Hoabonti, 2341
23 Cima delle Stellune, 2605
24 Gran Vernel, 3210
25 Lastè delle Sute, 2616
26 Marmolada, 3342
27 Colominetti, 2218
28 Cima Cece, 2754
29 Colle di San Giovanni, 2251
30 Cima Valon, 2678
31 Cime di Ceremana, 2699
32 Passo Cinque Croci, 2018
33 Colbricon, 2601
34 Monte Cola, 2262
35 Il Focobon, 3054
36 I Bureloni, 3130
37 Cimon della Pala, 3184
38 Cima Corma, 2507
39 Cimadasta, 2847
40 Ciste, 2183
41 La Banca, 2729
42 Cima della Madonna
43 Sass Maor, 2814
44 Croda Granda, 2849
45 Cima Orsera, 2471
46 Monte Cenon, 2278
47 Laresè del Ciste
48 Cima Brunella, 2530
49 Cima Caldenave, 2440
50 Salubio, 1886
51 Primaluna
52 Cimon Rava, 2436
53 Piz di Sagron, 2486
54 Bivacco Argentino, 2155
55 Malga Cima, 1880
56 Castelletto di Rava, 2337
57 Monte Cima, 2032
58 Sass de Mura, 2547
59 Monte Colo
60 Monte Teverone, 2345
61 Pizzocco, 2186
62 Messer, 2230
63 Malga Tizzon
64 Sasso Scarnia, 2226
65 Agaro, 2062
66 Pavione, 2334
67 Spiado
68 Lunazza
69 Samone
70 Bieno
71 Silana, 1656
72 Monte Coppolo, 2069
73 Pradellano
74 Nevegal, 1763
75 Sinistra Piave
76 Pizzoc, 1565
77 Tomaselli
78 Picosta, 1427
79 Monte Lefre, 1305
80 Col de Moi, 1358
81 Monte Avena, 1454
82 NANOS, 1313, 212 km
83 Luce di Feltre
84 Monte Mezza, 1679
85 Ospedaletto
86 BACVA, 1454, 253 km
87 Tomatico, 1594
88 Monte Cesen, 1570
89 SS47 della Valsugana
90 Cima Campo, 1512
91 Grigno
92 Peurna
93 VOJAK, 1401, 238 km
94 Fontana Secca, 1608
95 Punta Molina, 1920
96 Malga Civerone
97 Cresta del Monte Grappa
98 Naso di Dante
99 Cima Caldiera, 2124
100 Ortigara, 2106
101 Cima Undici
102 San Lorenzo
103 Cima Dodici 2334
104 Armentera, 1500
105 Busa Caldiera
106 Monte Trentin, 2325
107 Bocchetta Kempel
108 Col di Stanga, 1532
109 Lanzola, 1338
110 Porta Trentina
111 Vallon del Kempel
112 Cima Portule, 2307
113 Monte Erba, 2031
114 Cima Larici, 2033


Location: Fravort (2347 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Fleimstaler Alpen      Date: 12-01-2012
Auf dem Gipfel des Fravorts hat die Gemeinde Frassilongo einige Werke des ersten Weltkrieges restauriert; so hat man dort auch eine kleine Hütte wo man schlafen kann. Leider ist die Tür seit verschiedenen Monaten beschädigt, so hat der Wind den Schnee eingeschoben. Die einzige trockne Stelle war ein Tisch, gar nicht zu lang, wo ich nur gut gebogen und gepackt die Nacht verbringen konnte.
Die 13 Bilder (plus Sparkopien von einigen, zum Beispiel bei Windböen) entstanden zwischen 00.35 und 00.48. Zoom 70-300 mit 70mm, ISO 400, f/5, 30 Sek.
Das war meine 172ste Besteigung des Fravorts (Fahrrad bis Cinquevalli, wie in Pano 18256, und dann zu Fuss), aber nur der zweite Mal dass ich auf dem Gipfel schlafe.


Avventuroso! Pano bellissimo e molto chiaro data l'ora!
2012/01/13 19:42 , Beatrice Zanon
Eine sehr gute Arbeit. Wenn die Lichter nicht wären, könnte man denken, es wäre am Tag...

Jörg E.
2012/01/13 19:57 , Jörg Engelhardt
Das ist doch aber ganz unnatürlich. Man wird doch mitten in Nacht nicht die Berge und den Himmel so sehen sondern nur die Lichter im Tal.
2012/01/13 20:16 , Heinz Höra
Bei so vollem Mond und langer Belichtung wird die Nacht zum Tag, mein Kompliment Pedrotti!

LG & behüt Dich Gott,

2012/01/13 20:27 , Christian Hönig
Ein abgefahrenes Bild - magisch. Die vier Sterne sind auch für die Liebe zu den Bergen die Kälte und Ungemach überwindet. Bravo!
Ciao da Michele :)
2012/01/13 20:36 , Mr Dee
@Heinz 12.01.12 war 3/4-Mond, plus dem Schnee wird das schon richtig hell....

2012/01/13 21:54 , Jörg Engelhardt
Fammi capire 
Ma si vedeva addirittura fino ad oltre la sponda dell'Adriatico? e la luna era troppo alta per poter essere inquadrata? Comunque una pano di grande effetto, che forse avrebbe meritato una fascia di cielo un po' più larga per una maggior sensazione di "realtà".
Ciao, Alvise
2012/01/14 07:38 , Alvise Bonaldo
Sehr gelungen!
2012/01/14 09:54 , Klaus Brückner
May I answer in English for compatibility?
Light: of course you don't see clear like this even if the moon is at 85% like here, and with snow - which is very scarce, by the way. However, I don't feel the whole so unnatural. I hope that from the tonality of the green on Mount Gronlait one understands that it is night well before scrolling to the lights of the Valsugana.
I don't find regretful it the sensor sees something different from the eye. Under this respect, also showing far mountains for example at 300mm x 1.5 is not so "natural"...
The moon was very high, completely out of reach. That was also why I chose to make this undertaking. Of course the sun would be a recognizably better light source than the moon, but one cannot hope from him to reach in mid-winter so deeply into the steep north-exposed couloirs of Cima Dodici like one sees here. In summary, I was looking for a different photo on the mountain of which I otherwise have thousands of shots...
Sky: I have cut a good 15% on top, because the sky seemed me very dull here. There were very few stars: the moon had been veiled in the early night and a thin veiling persisted. We had a very starry night here right on St. Sylvester as one sees at the end of the album
I is a pity that that night I did not consider the problem of the autofocus that in low light is completely out of service. This was my major problem in all these attempts, and I had to throw away long series of shots even the last time.
Mysterious lights: at first I thought that these two isolated lights close to the far horizon were invented by the sensor. (I have to plug my nose into the screen to perceive them at 500 pixel, but one can see them clearly in
But then I changed my mind. The Udeuschle magnification glass says that precisely in those places are located two mountaintops: the Mount Nanos close to Postojna, and the Vojak, highest spot of the Ucka, the mountain dominating Rijeka from the W. Both summits have huge antennas on them... I don't know the Nanos, but I know well the brightness of the light on the Ucka. I slept on its top in summer 2005; I had dinner at 7 pm at Brsec on the East Istrian coast, and then I thought: is there an interesting place to sleep? So I had the idea of the summit, which yields a beautiful bicycle climb from Lovran.
Incidentally, in 2005 I had reached Istria with a 270 km etappe after sleeping on the top of Monte Pizzoc, visible here behind the Nevegal - on the top of which, Col Visentin, one sees another light. When in the morning, on Monte Pizzoc, I woke up and looked out of the sleeping bag, to my surprise in the distance I saw the familiar ridgeline Fravort-Gronlait.
If you don't believe that Istria is visible from our mountains, look at my pano 16901, where not only the Ucka is clearly visible, but also the coastal line can be guessed.
2012/01/15 12:08 , Pedrotti Alberto
Du hast dir... 
...den Favort offensichtich zu deinem Favoriten auserkoren, Alberto,
wie sonst ist es erklärbar, dass du schon so oft dort oben warst? (;-)
lg Fredy
2012/01/16 11:16 , Fredy Haubenschmid
Bellissima foto, riferimenti precisi,complimenti!
2012/01/31 16:42 , Massimo Corriani

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Pedrotti Alberto

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