Alpine Himalaya   2226138
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1 Chüebodengletscher
2 Gross Wannenhorn 3905m
3 Wasenhorn 3447m
4 Schönbühlhorn 3854m
5 Fiescher Gabelhorn 3876m
6 Vorder Galmihorn 3517m
7 Hinter Galmihorn 3486m
8 Finsteraarothorn 3530m
9 Grunegghorn 3860m
10 Gross Grünhorn 4044m
11 Oberaarhorn 3637m
12 Finsteraarhorn 4274m, 25km
13 Gross Fiescherhorn 4049m
14 Agassizhorn 3946m
15 Klein Fiescherhorn 3899m
16 Scheuchzerhorn 3462m
17 Eiger 3970m
18 Lauteraarhorn 4042m
19 Schreckhorn 4078m


Aufnahmestandort: Gerenpass (2691 m)      Fotografiert von: Stefano Caldera
Gebiet: Tessiner und Misoxer Alpen      Datum: 11 September 2010
I was planning this panorama since 2 years, but it needed the perfect day, with no clouds and no wind. The challenge was also to find the small lake not frozen and without the small floating icebergs that generally remain until the first half of August.. I was lucky in any aspect!
Next step: a red sunrise!

10 images
Canon EOS 7D
EF 100-400 L IS
120 x 1.6 = 192mm , F/8, 1/1200s


12.09.2010 15:53 , Manfred Schuster
09-11 at its best 
Fantastic view, fantastic cut, fantastic colours
12.09.2010 17:24 , Matthias Knapp
tolles panorama!
12.09.2010 17:37 , Mario Zankl
Ich habe am Mittwoch einen Vortrag von der Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner über die 8000er dieser Welt gesehen. Dieses Bild hätte ganz leicht mit hineingepasst.

LG Hans
12.09.2010 18:37 , Johann Ilmberger
this is truly Stefano´s spot!!
12.09.2010 20:54 , Michael Strasser
Che bello!
12.09.2010 20:58 , Giuseppe Marzulli
8 stars, **** for the subject and **** for the reflection!
13.09.2010 17:35 , Marco Nipoti
Wunderbare Präsentation eines dankbaren Sujets!
13.09.2010 18:24 , Michael Bodenstedt
Ein herrlicher Ausblick gekonnt inszeniert. LG. Bruno.
13.09.2010 18:35 , Bruno Schlenker
As nice as the frozen one. LG Robert
13.09.2010 19:31 , Robert Viehl
molto bene - Alexander
13.09.2010 19:36 , Alexander Von Mackensen
what a wonderful dream
13.09.2010 20:50 , Uta Philipp

14.09.2010 08:20 , Jochen Gerlach
14.09.2010 18:18 , Anton Theurezbacher
Grazie for appreciating!
15.09.2010 10:46 , Stefano Caldera
It's not over yet, Stefano! :-)
Nice piece of art.
15.09.2010 10:50 , Arne Rönsch
Great Shot-you must come back for sunrise. And what about moon setting with the moon shining inside the lake :-)
16.09.2010 00:27 , Jannis Gligoris
fantastic colors, I like Finsty! LG CHristoph
16.09.2010 00:32 , Christoph Hepp
Good title 
It is really look like Himalayas
17.09.2010 10:09 , Konrad Sus
One of the very finest panos on this site. - I can imagine that you have awaited this moment for 2 years. - I already liked the previous one but this one is even more perfect! - Tanti saluti, dirk
21.09.2010 09:03 , Dirk Becker
Incredible! Hope to see your red sunrise soon :)
02.05.2012 10:29 , Manuel Diepolder
Superb ! Himalayas my love !
26.06.2012 19:52 , Michel Puissant

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Stefano Caldera

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