330° Dolomites viewed from Pale di S. Martino   97079
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1 Sassopiatto-Plattkofel
2 Grohmannspitze
3 Sassolungo
4 Olperer
5 Hochfeiler
6 Gr. Moeseler
7 Gran Vernel
8 Il Mulaz
9 Marmolada P.ta Penia
10 Marmolada P.ta Rocca
11 Marmolada d'Ombretta
12 Cunturines
13 GrossVenediger
14 Fanis
15 Tofane
16 Großglockner
17 Cima di Focobon
18 Cristallo
19 Tre cime di Lavaredo
20 Cima di Campido
21 Sorapis
22 Cima Zopel
23 Pelmo
24 Civetta
25 Cima delle Sasse
26 Moiazza
27 Iof di Montasio (Montasch)
28 Pale di S. Lucano
29 Cima dei Preti
30 M. Duranno
31 Tamer
32 Moschesin
33 Valle di S. Lucano
34 Talvena
35 Col Nudo
36 M. Teverone
37 Agner
38 Schiara
39 Lastei d'Agner
40 M. Cavallo
41 Cima della Beta
42 Croda Granda
43 Altopiano delle Pale
44 Cima Manstorna
45 Cima dei Lastei
46 Cima dei Bureloni sud
47 Pala di S. Martino
48 Cima Vezzana
49 Cimon della Pala
50 Cima d'Asta
51 C. Ceremana
52 C. Bragarolo
53 Colbricon
54 Cima Cece
55 Piccolo Colbricon
56 Monte Care Alto
57 Presanella
58 Punta San Matteo
59 Monte Vioz
60 Palon della Mare
61 Cevedale
62 Gran Zebru
63 Ortles


Aufnahmestandort: Cima dei Bureloni (3130 m)      Fotografiert von: Andrea Gasparotto
Gebiet: Dolomiten      Datum: 15/04/07
From one of the highest summit of the Pale group, a wide pano over most of the dolomites.


Apart some technicalities (sky color changing, level), for which I'm not the most right person for judging, I find you panorama really stunning.
It is really an awesome view from there!
---- Added 11:21 --- **** are justified also for your effort. Is it only climbing, or is it there some skiing down? Do you climb from the Rosetta?
16.04.2007 11:15 , Marco Nipoti
Thanks Marco... 
... but 1600 m of ascent to get there!!
16.04.2007 11:19 , Andrea Gasparotto
Well, great colours, view and sharpness. But as Marco mentioned there is a change of brightness and also a slight decline of the horizon to the right. Yours Dietrich.
16.04.2007 12:11 , Dietrich Kunze
@ Marco & Dietrich 
1600 m are also of descent, with skis obviously! not from Rosetta, but from other side (North side, Val Venegia).
I know the defects, they are mainly due to problems with the batteries due the low temperature, I have to repeat several shots changing the batteries, so the exposition is not uniform....
16.04.2007 12:43 , Andrea Gasparotto
What a Fantastic sight - a worthwile tour! 
A great Panorama, only the changing of the brightness is very visible. Have you tried to correct resp. adapt the brightness of the single pictures before stiching? Could probably help. Ciao, Michi
17.04.2007 00:05 , Michael Spoerl
@ Michael: 
I tried, but the result was not convincing...
17.04.2007 10:31 , Andrea Gasparotto
Great Scene! As you've got clear contrasts around the skyline you could try to replace the various blue shapes with an artificial sky from your imaging software, which would represent the original view probably better than the "spotty" result you've got now. Greetings Wolfgang
18.04.2007 21:48 , Wolfgang Schmähling
cercando le cime de le dolomiti ho trovatto questa panoramica molto bella, anche con vignetura vale 4 ****.
trotz leichter Vignetierung ist dieses Pano 4**** wert.
22.05.2008 22:13 , René Tessaro
mi associo a René!
22.05.2008 22:16 , Gianluca Moroni

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Andrea Gasparotto

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