La Meja   03292
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Aufnahmestandort: Rocca la Meja (2831 m)      Fotografiert von: Andrea Rolando
Gebiet: Ligurische Alpen      Datum: 8/8/2011
Rocca la Meja rises high over a large plateau of meadows in the upper Val Maira. Due to its iconic pyramidal shape that easily distinguishes itself from the other surrounding rounded summits, it is often referred to as a little piece of the Dolomites thrown in this part of the Alps.
Being one of the most elevated mountain in this range, it offers a sweeping panorama over the whole Val Maira.

20 pictures shot at the opposite endings of the ridge that makes up the summit. This allowed to cover the whole panorama and to avoid having people in the final image, but it made a little difficult to stich the pictures together. Hand held.


Andrea Rolando

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