Grossglockner 2012   44870
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1 Franz-Joseph-Hohe
2 teufelshorn
3 Hoffmansspitze
4 Kleiner Burgstall
5 Johannisberg
6 Mitteler Burgstall


Aufnahmestandort: Gamsgrubenweg (2550 m)      Fotografiert von: Alvise Bonaldo
Gebiet: Glocknergruppe      Datum: 28.8.2012
Panasonic Lumix FZ18
17 foto verticali a mano libera


Dear Alvise, the landscape is very contorted. I know this part very good, the Pasterze is not that steep, and the face of Großglockner is more high-angled!
03.10.2012 19:34 , Uta Philipp
Hmmm - Uta is right, however with the Pasterze Pictures from 2010 aud 2011 we get a decent timeline !
04.10.2012 00:14 , Christoph Seger
Hi to everybody 
I confirm you that I didn't manipulate the composition of the landscape, and that the photos were merged in a single line without distortion and without artificially lengthen the view. However I agree with you, and it seems to me too that Grossglockner is too squashed vertically ... The projection that I used for stitching the photos did not seem wrong to me - you also have to consider that the mountain is very wide, and therefore the ratio between length and height can appear a bit distorted. Anyway I accept your suggestions and I'll check out the correctness of projection.
Thanks a lot.
04.10.2012 08:44 , Alvise Bonaldo
I checked, but... 
... I wasn't able to find anything wrong. I used cilindric projection, as usual. Evidently the distortion is a matter of optical illusion and depends on the width of the mountain, so it only seems to be more large than tall.
05.10.2012 13:46 , Alvise Bonaldo

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Alvise Bonaldo

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