Cima Lagorai   24449
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1 Cima Dodici, 2334
2 Valsugana
3 Laghetti dell Buse Basse o di Rocco
4 Portule, 2307
5 Salubio, 1886
6 Setole, 2208
7 Pizzo di Levico, 1908
8 Pasubio
9 Ciste, 2186
10 Montalon q. 2465
11 Cima delle Buse, 2574
12 Forcella di Valsorda, 2256
13 Buse Todesche, 2435
14 Ziolera, 2478
15 Cima Sud, 2550
16 Forcella della BUsa della Neve, 2367
17 Cima delle Stellune, 2605
18 Fregasoga, 2452
19 Cimon del Tres, 2292
20 Presanella, 3558
21 Forcella di Val Moena, 2294
22 Busa Grana, 2510
23 Ortles, 3905
24 2585
25 Cimon della Roa, 2558
26 Forcella delle Buse dell'Oro, 2468
27 Wildspitze, 3768
28 Cimon delle Buse dell'Oro, 2546
29 Castel di Bombasel, 2535
30 Corno Nero, 2439
31 Paion del Cermis, 2229
32 Pala di Santa, 2488
33 Laghetto di Lagorai, 2265
34 Latemar
35 Laghetto di Lagorai, 2270
36 Catinaccio
37 Sassopiatto, 2958
38 Cima Formion, 2527
39 Lastè delle Sute, 2616
40 Marmolada, 3342
41 Forcella Lagorai, 2372
42 Cima Cece, 2755
43 Pale di San Martino


Location: Cima Lagorai (?) (2585 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Fleimstaler Alpen      Date: 05-10-2008
«Little lakes of Lagorai and Lagorai group see from Mount Lagorai»
This is the topic of the old picture which I found somewhere on the disk.
Lagorai is the name of the whole mountain group between Trento and Passo Rolle - the one that on this site funnily becomes an elsewhere unknown «Fleimstaler Alpen». Moreover, the name Lagorai also applies to
- the two little lakes shown here, although it needs some scrutiny to spot the minor one;
- the mountain pass visible on the right;
- the whole valley originating from the pass and lakes;
- a big lake down in the valley, here completely hidden by the long ridge originating from Lastè delle Sute;
- the river of that valley.
It also applies to a summit, but here comes the question: Am I on Cima Lagorai or not?
Orthodox experts say that the true Cima Lagorai is an orographic knot, 2530 m, right of my standpoint, and say that the correct name for my standpoint should be «Cimon della Busa della Neve» - «Big summit of the hole of the snow», the «hole of the snow» being the one marked, abutting on the pass «Forcella della Busa della Neve», whose name is undisputed, and making the pair with the «Forcella delle Buse dell'Oro» («Pass of the Holes of Gold») on the other side.
The authoritative CAI grey guide «Lagorai Cima d'Asta» (2006) takes this «orthodox» point of view, at least at words, since then in its detailed map one simply finds a 2530 m Cima di Lagorai, and is left with the question where the rocks culminating with the 2585 m point have disappeared...
On the other hand, I consulted a dozen of maps, starting from the XIX century ones, up to authoritative maps of the end of the XX century (edited under the supervision of the local sections of the Alpine Club), and for them Cima Lagorai is what one expects to be, namely, the 2585 m point.
Of course this is a mere theoretical curiosity: in one can see what a little difference we are speaking about... Here, Cima delle Stellune is the one half covering the Ortles, little after the "very snowy" Cevedale. Right of Cima Stellune, one check how close the 2585 and the 2530 summits lie. However, it is curious to see how the summit bearing the name of the whole mountain chain («and not only», how nowadays it is fashionable to add...) could be only a fore-summit!
These mountains, however, are full of topographic curiosities, staring from the highest summit, Cima d'Asta, literally, «the summit of the pole»: yes, like the one of olympic pole-vaulting. So... what happens, maybe it was once summited in a single leap by some Sergei Bubka? That is not the case: actually, the correct name of the summit was «Zimalasta» «the summit of the rock slab». But then came a certain Peter Anich from Oberperfuss, Tyrol: when he was researching for his very influential 1774 Atlas Tyrolensis, the people spoke to him of this «Zimalasta», but he understood in the Sergei Bubka version. The same must have happened at some time with the nearby Lastè delle Sute («the mountain of the rock slabs in the dry land»), which somehow, at least in all the likewise influential Kompass maps of the end of XX century (the last ones that I bought, indeed!) had become «Stelle delle Sute» - «stars in the dry land».
Which land, by the way, is only relatively dry, since of the 297 lakes of Trentino (this was the classical number which we studied at school - maybe it has changed meanwhile!) 95 lie inside the Lagorai group. And the most credited theory about the origin of the name «Lagorai» states that it comes from «aurai», in which is to recognize an old Indoeuropean root "aur-" somehow connected with pastures around lakes or waters.

N.B.: I have linked only one panorama, but a very meaningful one!


Thank you for the picture and also for the detailed insight into the history of mountain names.

Do you know this source: ??

Herzlichst Christoph
2014/07/08 10:53 , Christoph Seger
Yes, among my bookmarks concerning topography I have
There are two interesting curiosities to point out:
1) the main concern of this scholar is about «Tauern»... In our conversation to N.22136 there were my unknown local Tauro, the Taurus in Turkey but... the obvious Tauern in Austria had seemingly been forgotten!
2) reading again on the Kindle the study by Heinz Pohl, today I stuck on the term "Kaser"... In N.22518 we had another conversation, including «Kaser» becoming «Kaiser», not unlike «Zimalasta» becoming «Cimadasta»!
2014/07/09 21:42 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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