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1 Turnerkamp
2 Schwarzenstein
3 Toblacher Pfannhorn
4 Magerstein
5 Cima di Pianalto
6 Collaspro
7 collalto
8 Grosse Ohrenspitze
9 Lenkstein
10 Fleischbachspitze
11 lengspitze
12 Rauchkofel
13 grosser Heimwand
14 Totenkarspitze
15 daberspitze
16 Pizzo Rosso di Predoi
17 Dreiherrnspitze
18 Weissespitze
19 Grossvenediger
20 Hochgrabe
21 Regenstein
22 Glocknerwand
23 Grossglockner
24 Golbner
25 Gumriaul


Aufnahmestandort: Hochgruben - Tovo Alto (2534 m)      Fotografiert von: Alvise Bonaldo
Gebiet: Karnischer Hauptkamm      Datum: 3.1.2015
Ennesima rielaborazione...
Panasonic Lumix FZ18, 13 foto orizzontali a mano libera
ISO 100, f/8, 1/1300 - lunghezza focale 23 mm
Hugin, Photoshop - PeakFinder


Alvise, I would suggest a little bit less sharpness. Besides this I like the panoramic.

17.01.2015 10:21 , Dietrich Kunze
I agree with Dietrich. In addition there is a little white spot at the upper edge of the picture - about in the middle of the frame
17.01.2015 11:31 , Christoph Seger
Sí, con queste approssimative spolverate di neve, e a queste dimensioni ridicole, è acrobatico trovare la dose giusta di sharpness. Io mi ricordo di aver sentito il problema in maniera particolare nel N.18308, e di aver deciso che era meglio tenersi un po' indietro. Anche se ora, riguardando il lavoro a distanza, mi meraviglio se poi avessi realizzato il proposito...
Per il resto, direi che la luce è bellissima.
18.01.2015 23:45 , Pedrotti Alberto
Many thanks to everybody 
to Alberto, for his gracious and benevolent assessment which identified the critical point anyway.
To Dietrich and Christoph for their constructive criticism that always allows me to improve myself.
I confess that to me too the picture aroused some doubts about the sharpening.
For a long time I had been undecided whether to publish the photo or not. Finally I decided to publish it just to allow others to show me any defects. If none is contrary I'll hold the photo in this site, despite its poor quality.
Ciao, Alvise
19.01.2015 21:06 , Alvise Bonaldo

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Alvise Bonaldo

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