Turnerkamp |
Schwarzenstein |
Toblacher Pfannhorn |
Magerstein |
Cima di Pianalto |
Collaspro |
collalto |
Grosse Ohrenspitze |
Lenkstein |
Fleischbachspitze |
lengspitze |
Rauchkofel |
grosser Heimwand |
Totenkarspitze |
daberspitze |
Pizzo Rosso di Predoi |
Dreiherrnspitze |
Weissespitze |
Grossvenediger |
Hochgrabe |
Regenstein |
Glocknerwand |
Grossglockner |
Golbner |
Gumriaul |
Ennesima rielaborazione...
Panasonic Lumix FZ18, 13 foto orizzontali a mano libera ISO 100, f/8, 1/1300 - lunghezza focale 23 mm Hugin, Photoshop - PeakFinder
1 Mal
Per il resto, direi che la luce è bellissima.
To Dietrich and Christoph for their constructive criticism that always allows me to improve myself.
I confess that to me too the picture aroused some doubts about the sharpening.
For a long time I had been undecided whether to publish the photo or not. Finally I decided to publish it just to allow others to show me any defects. If none is contrary I'll hold the photo in this site, despite its poor quality.
Ciao, Alvise
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