Forcella Cesurette   53508
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1 Cima Pape, 2503
2 Cima dei Vanediei, 2464
3 Monte Prademur, 2361
4 Moiazza Nord, 2878
5 Cime d'Ambrusogn, 2365
6 Monte San Lucano, 2409
7 Terza Pala, 2355
8 Castello di Moschesin, 2499
9 Talvena, 2542
10 Cime di Balconi q. 2393
11 (Il Cor)
12 Cime dei Balconi q. 2491
13 Costone La Vena
14 Mulattiera per Campo Boaro
15 Casera Campigat
16 Cima delle Comelle, 2951
17 Cima della Vezzana, 3192
18 Val Strutt
19 Le Ziroccole, 3050
20 Torre delle Quattro Dita
21 Cascata di Gares
22 Cima di Campido, 3001
23 Cima Zopel, 2813
24 Campanile dei Lastei del Focobon, 2721
25 Forcella Stia, 2190
26 Malga Stia, 1740
27 Cimond e la Stia, 2391
28 (Gares, 1381)
29 Monte Tamer, 2264
30 Marmolada, 3342


Aufnahmestandort: Forcella Cesurette (1815 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Dolomiten      Datum: 28-08-2016
This is the saddle dividing Pale di San Martino and Pale di San Lucano.
It is a surprise to find that it is represented here for the first time.

Forcella Cesurette is accessible both from Valle San Lucano (longer, since you start from 800 m) and from Gares (shorter, since the start lies at 1300 m). The San Lucano ascent is nowadays popular also among bikers, since with a strong MTB you can cycle the path even beyond the saddle, in direction Campo Boaro - you cleary see some switchbacks in the image.
One of these switchbacks marks the start of the adventurous ascent to the Cor, namely, the heart-shaped rock hole below the Cima dei Balconi, one of the unknown treasures of the Dolomiti. Descending the other side, through the striking suspended valley called Tromba del Miel, you realize a first class loop. Some metres of rope is recommended for a delicate passage in a couloir right at the beginning.

10 HF, Canon G1X, 28mm equiv, f/5.6, 1/640.

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GPS track:


I would like to hook on this saddle...
14.11.2016 18:08 , Matthias Knapp
Idyllic and poetic place ... just perfect!!

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
14.11.2016 19:38 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Matthias + HJBäu: I have now inserted some information.
To work out the GPS track featuring the Cor loop I need to find out time. Meanwhile, working with the arrows in Google Photos you can already access a good deal of material.
15.11.2016 12:19 , Pedrotti Alberto
Thanks, Alberto, for your hints 
Should I happen to visit the Dolomites in the next few years, I 'll try to visit the mentioned places.
16.11.2016 10:16 , Matthias Knapp
This week, I have to work at the preparation of a slideshow about the Balkans.
But next week I will complete the track of the "mysterious" access to the Cor:
I happen to have extra trouble with it since that day I carried the wrong batteries...
Just keep an eye on Wikiloc
Which, incidentally, could become my unique publishing platform in the future: namely, I am gradually abandoning all the rating-based photography sites, since I like everyday less the dynamics that develop in them.
Provided that, alas, this is only a very marginal aspect of the general madness that seems to be conquering the world!
Cheers, Alberto.
16.11.2016 11:15 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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