Cadini di Misurina   53052
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1 Croda Bianca
2 Cimon del Froppa
3 Torre Siorpaes
4 Cimon di Croda Liscia
5 Cima Cadin di Nord Est
6 Cima Cadin di San Lucano
7 Cima Eotvos
8 Cadin del Nevaio
9 Passo dei Tocci (rif. Fonda Savio)
10 Cima Cadin di Nord Ovest
11 Torre Wundt
12 Forcella di Rinbianco
13 Sorapiss
14 Cima Cadin dei Tocci
15 Cima Cadin de Rinbianco
16 Marmolada
17 Cima Cadin de le Bisse
18 Piz Popena
19 Cristallo
20 Cristallo di Mezzo
21 Crfistallino d'Ampezzo
22 Cristallino di Misurina
23 Vecio del Forame


Aufnahmestandort: Le Cianpedele (2345 m)      Fotografiert von: Alvise Bonaldo
Gebiet: Dolomiten      Datum: 19.2.2017
Valida alternativa all'affollatissimo rifugio Auronzo, la Cima Campedelle (Cianpedele) riserva una bella salita e altrettanto piacevoli possibilità di discesa su pendii aperti nel Cadin di Longeres.
Nikon 1 V1, 1 Nikkor 30 - 110 VR, 10 foto verticali a mano libera, focale equiv. 81 mm
ISO 100, 1/1000, f/5
Hugin, Irfan


Congratulations - even a new pano spot in the middle of well traced terrain !!
21.02.2017 09:46 , Christoph Seger
an additional question ... were did you start ??
21.02.2017 09:50 , Christoph Seger
Hi Christoph. 
It's a very simple trail. The logical start is at Lago Antorno. You can follow the summer path across Cadin de Longeres or the road; in this case you have to leave it as soon as possible in order to climb the snow-covered slopes to the evident ridge that goes from the Hut towards Cadini. I assure you, as there is a Sunday overcrowding at the Auronzo Hut (it seems to be in St. Mark's Square in Venice) so there is nobody on Cianpedele - only a few steps away from it and despite of a very better view on the Tre Cime (that can't be seen completely from Auronzo). I even managed to draw curves on an immaculate and intact slope!
Ciao, Alvise
21.02.2017 10:03 , Alvise Bonaldo
Christoph, die Aussicht ist hier aber keineswegs besser als vom Rif. Auronzo. Sie ist durch den Rinbianco sogar eingeschränkter, da er die sicht auf den Misurina-See und die unteren Partien des Monte Cristallo versperrt.
21.02.2017 13:47 , Heinz Höra
Meravigliosa Panoramica!
21.02.2017 22:28 , Patrick Runggaldier

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Alvise Bonaldo

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