Gran Valacia   0212
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1 Zehner, 3026
2 La Varella, 3055
3 Gran Valacia
4 (Pelmo, 3168)
5 Civetta, 3210
6 La Colona, 2555
7 Sass de Mezdi, 2727
8 Sentiero 626
9 Marmolada, 3342


Aufnahmestandort: Risa de Pigolerz (2830 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Dolomiten      Datum: 11-09-2021
The recent works by Alvise inspired me to create a pano with subject Sella.
I am on the descent from Piz Boè (the ascent having taken place thorugh an experimental and very adventurous couloir east of the Ferrata Piazzetta), and thus cloud formations have already ruined the Fernsicht. Let us hope that some Tiefblick can compensate for this.
This is also the Sella that you see for a long stretch of the Fodom valley, that is, approaching the Pordoi from the side of Livinallongo. Provided that you are not keeping your neck turned backwards, enchanted by the Civetta.


Pedrotti Alberto

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