Dolomiti Bellunesi from NorthWest   84418
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1 San Sebastiano
2 Tamer
3 C. Gardesana
4 Spiz di Moschesin
5 C. di Pramper
6 M. Talvena
7 M. Schiara
8 Piz de Mezzodi'
9 Monti del Sole
10 M. Agnellezze
11 M. Pallone
12 M. Brandol
13 Punta del Comedon
14 Sasso delle Undici
15 Sasso Largo
16 Piz Sagron
17 Sass de Mura


Aufnahmestandort: close to Bivacco Menegazzi (1900 m)      Fotografiert von: Andrea Gasparotto
Gebiet: Dolomiten      Datum: 22/03/2009
Dolomiti Bellunesi from San Sebastiano-Tamer to Piz Sagròn, as seen from the south side of the Pala group.
7 shots with Canon Sx100IS.


25.03.2009 10:47 , Stefano Caldera
nice view! since my trip to monte agner last summer i start to get more and more interested in the dolomiti bellunesi e agordine - your panos are the best way to learn about the region!! ciao, Michael
25.03.2009 13:50 , Michael Strasser
beautiful vision 
Bravo Andrea, come sempre, un panorama superlativo da uno degli angoli incantati delle dolomiti ... complimenti!
25.03.2009 15:16 , Stefano Lovison
*WOW I like this mountains and also your panoramas! Seb
25.03.2009 18:39 , Sebastian Becher
Lg v Christian
26.03.2009 23:56 , Christian Hönig
This panorama has a great atmosphere and comes with correct 'frames' - I like especially the composition! - Tanti saluti, dirk
28.03.2009 19:19 , Dirk Becker
bravissimo, il pano mi piace moltissimo! ciao!
18.04.2009 11:09 , Mauro Masiol
Sehr schön,jetzt erst gesehen.
13.11.2017 05:22 , Thomas Janeck

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Andrea Gasparotto

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