Das Finsteraarhorn   2012501
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1 Pizzo Gallina 3061m
2 Mittaghorn 3001m
3 Chuebodengletscher
4 Gross Wannenhorn 3905m
5 Schonbuhlhorn 3854m
6 Fiescher Gabelhorn 3876m
7 Vorder Galmihorn 3517m
8 Hinter Galmihorn 3486m
9 Jungfrau 4158m
10 Grunhorn 4044m
11 Finsteraarhorn 4274m
12 Agassizhorn 3946m
13 Ochs 3895m
14 Scheuchzerhorn 3462m
15 Eiger 3970m
16 Chuebodensee
17 Lauteraarhorn 4042m
18 Schreckhorn 4078m


Aufnahmestandort: Gerenpass (2691 m)      Fotografiert von: Stefano Caldera
Gebiet: Tessiner und Misoxer Alpen      Datum: 27 Sep 2008
I'm wondering if there is a Finsty-reflection in summer

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Sauber, klar und wunderschön ist Dein Pano, Stefano! 
LG Christian
21.06.2009 19:39 , Christian Hönig
Amazingly the rock to the very right appears to be breaking thru the ice... Great Pano. Gerenpass is only accessible on foot, right ? Cheers HJ
21.06.2009 20:47 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Yes Hans-Jürgen, I reached it from All'Acqua (Val Bedretto) through Capanna Piansecco, in about 2h15m
21.06.2009 21:03 , Stefano Caldera
Patagonia flavour 
21.06.2009 22:12 , Peter Brandt
Natural contrasts embedded in a nearly unearthy atmosphere. The soft-iced lake and the fulminant Finsteraarhorn are a breath-taking ensemble! Maybe one of your best panoramas! Tanti saluti, dirk
21.06.2009 22:19 , Dirk Becker
21.06.2009 22:51 , Gianluca Moroni
Patagonia? Baltoro? South Georgia? Spitzbergen? Gerenpass!
Breathtaking! Great! But what do you mean wondering about Finsty-reflections?
21.06.2009 23:23 , Matthias Knapp
Gorgeous! LG Dieter
22.06.2009 08:39 , Dieter Hartig
Wonderfull :-))) LG hans
22.06.2009 08:48 , Johann Ilmberger
One of my favorite mountains and an excellent panorama of it. I like that mountain, because it surpasses the surrounding mountains in height from most point of views. One of the reasons is, that Finsteraarhorn has the third highest topographic prominence in the alps and is only surpassed by Großglockner and Mont Blanc (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Alpine_peaks_by_prominence).
By the way, where's the button to give five stars? ;-)
Tanti saluti, Thomas
22.06.2009 10:48 , Thomas Guldner
The best reward for hiking more than two hours in the fog...
22.06.2009 15:33 , Marco Nipoti
Bel montagnone il Fisteraarhorn, ormai sono ben 16 anni che con Gianluca ed il povero Tarcisio che andammo a farlo con gli sci, esattamente il 20-06-1993 dal Grimselpass, facendo anche le cime dell'Oberaarhorn 3637 m e dello Scheuchzerhorn 3462 m in quella campagna di 4 gg.
22.06.2009 16:29 , Giovanni Rovedatti
C'est vrai qu'on se dirait presque a Concordia au Baltoro avec le K2 en toile de fond
22.06.2009 18:15 , Jean Claude Tessier
Grazie! Danke! Thanks! Merci! 
Certo Giovanni, le hai fatte proprio tutte!
Lo dico a bassa voce, il mese prossimo non mi dispiacerebbe l'Aletschhorn..

@ Matthias: I think the Finsteraarhorn is reflected into the pond, when it is not frozen. But there's only one way to know it.. :)
22.06.2009 20:31 , Stefano Caldera
Great! LG Christoph
23.06.2009 06:41 , Christoph Hepp
difficult to describe.. 
why this pano is so attractive; is it the Alaska like view of the Dolomites?
congratuations ! LG Gerald
23.06.2009 09:01 , Gerald Winkler
a me mi mancano le parole, splendida...
23.06.2009 12:19 , René Tessaro
i can´t speak italiano.. so in english is think it´s a masterpiece! greetings Seb
24.06.2009 22:12 , Sebastian Becher
Ein traumhaft schönes Panorama, lg Toni
27.06.2009 12:07 , Anton Theurezbacher
ganz große Klasse! LG Chris
27.06.2009 13:40 , Christian . B.

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Stefano Caldera

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